Help us improve Clozemaster! What would you most like to see added, changed, or improved?

Hello, I’d like to suggest two additions:

  1. The possibility of showing the english translation first, and only then (after hitting Enter, for instance) showing the target language sentence to complete. When I’m about to fill in word, I like first to think about the sentence and try to come up with my own translation into my target language before looking at the screen. The problem is that the two sentences are so close that I cannot avoid seeing the other one.

  2. On the (still hidden) “full text mode”, it would be nice if it had a button to switch to “text mode” when we get stuck, just as “text mode” has a button to switch to multiple choice.

And thanks by the amazing app, this is my first post here.


This happens to be one of my long-standing feature requests. I think it would be relatively trivial to implement, and would bring tremendous benefit for those who have grown out of filling in one word at a time.


I really really wish for a streak freeze

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I wish there was a way to click on any Cantonese word/character in the sentence to look up the definition, not just the missing word.

EDIT: This is in reference to the mobile app. I see on web it does let you click on other words, but they aren’t individual characters. Instead it will usually take multiple characters/words at once instead of allowing you to click on and look up the definition of an individual character.

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Also when you click on a word for translation, I feel like it should jump down to the language you are studying instead of having to scroll all the way down the page to get to the definition. In particular, for characters used in multiple languages (e.g. Japanese, Korean, and Chinese), you may have to scroll past other languages which takes even longer.

With Wiktionary you can directly jump to the language by adding the language to the end of the url. For example, 咱 - Wiktionary

So if the user is studying Chinese, you can add the #Chinese to the end. If for some reason the language is not on the Wiktionary page, it shouldn’t break anything as it will just load the Wiktionary page as usual but without jumping to the language section.

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Hi @szei and welcome!

When using the Wiktionary popover or sidebar, for the languages that I study when the page is loaded it does jump directly to the correct language (as per your suggestion).

I’ve just tried starting the Mandarin course, and I can see that it is attempting to load the page (in this case for 所以 [suǒyǐ]) using “#Mandarin Chinese” instead of ‘’#Chinese" i.e. it’s trying to load the page at the correct point, but unfortunately it is using the wrong label.

Therefore, this looks like it is actually a “bug”, so if you repost this comment in the Bug Reports category then hopefully it should get fixed quite quickly (N.B. the Clozemaster admins should be reading this particular “Help us improve Clozemaster!” thread, but submitting as a bug report would probably be cleaner). They probably just need to do a simple mapping of the Clozemaster names of course target languages to the names as used on Wiktionary.


Ah, thank you for that. I will submit a bug report. I was using the mobile app so I couldn’t see that they were already trying to redirect the url.


I’d love to be able to add sentences from the iOS app instead of having to log in to the web interface.


Probably I am mostly reiterating suggestions, but anyway …:

  • Fix the problem that the sex of the speakers does not correspond to the grammar. I know it is a hard nut to crack but if you want to automate your language use, it is more than annoying.
  • End the beta for Listening. Give points for it. Add a spelling help. It is frustrating, when after the 5th run, I finally understand the cloze but then I am punished for a spelling mistake. Adjust all the listening clozes to the same volume. I undertand that background noises, dialect and so on are all part of the game and I appreciate it. But I have to adjust the volume very often and I do not think that this is helpful.

  • Add a category “marked as known” to all statistics. I consider “marked as known” as a better measurement for my progress as “mastered”. That should be easy.

Otherwise, I really enjoy using Clozemaster and for me it is a very good tool because I can learn by repeating like a child. Thank you!


Replacing the TTS with AI generated audio would be a great idea. AI generated audio is far superior to the TTS models used now.

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As long as we don’t lose Giorgio e Carla. Giorgio’s voice is particularly special! :slight_smile:

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Can’t say I recognize them by name :wink: I tried to find one for each target language that was bearable, but gave up pretty quickly.

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Italian from English is where they are. I’ve been listening to them for years now, from Duolingo to here, rather fond of both.

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I don’t know if there’s already a way to do this, but if so it isn’t obvious: sometimes when going through Clozemaster fast I accidentally answer incorrectly (like by pressing 2 and then space when I meant to press 1 and then space). I wish there were a way to take back a mistake, like undo an incorrect answer that I only got incorrect because I pressed the wrong button (sometimes called “fat fingering” in gaming) even though I knew the correct answer.


you can adjust the progress manually e.g. if you were at 50% and accidentally put the wrong answer, you can press the edit button and set it to 75% after answering correctly. You’ll get the same time spacing as you would have if you answered correctly the first time around (but you won’t get full points)

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I’d actually like to see Latin and Ancient Greek collections, as it would help my kids for their schoolwork - they’re part of their course load in high school here in the Netherlands. Clozemaster has done a pretty good job for my son as it turned out to be a good way for him to study words in German and French where he was struggling before.


That’s true but the thing is sometimes I am doing them too fast and don’t remember what it originally was. I don’t know if it was at 25%, 50%, or 75%, so I’m not sure what to return it to. An “undo last answer” wouldn’t require me to remember what percent it was at before I pressed the wrong button, it’d be far less work.

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I just noticed that you guys implemented my (and others’) suggested option for a custom URL and would like to quickly express my gratitude. You guys are some of the most responsive and hardworking individuals in the field.


Excellent! I had been hoping that the custom URL feature would be added, but I hadn’t noticed that it had been!


I like how in Japanese there’s a button to have ChatGPT explain the sentence, and it’s been very useful, so I was wondering if this feature will be added to other languages, specifically Cantonese?

I copied a sentence into ChatGPT and had it explain it to me, and it did just like it does for Japanese.