Help us improve Clozemaster! What would you most like to see added, changed, or improved?

@Dcarl1, the key codes are indeed hard to remember, but Windows also gives you the option of using either predefined or customized keyboard layouts that let you use intuitive key combinations to type accented characters.

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I have a PC and SpanishDict allows me to hold down letter for the accent. So, their code lets you do accents on a PC. (if I want an accent on different sites, I have to type in the acsii codes while holding down the ALT button)

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This topic is also mentioned in a Reddit post years ago. For me it would also be important to export playing data, at best in csv format. For instance, at the moment I would like to know, what my average time spent per day was for the last year. The table that is rendered by clozemaster shows that this information is readily available but I can’t access it. In my experience export is not that big of a deal in terms of feature.


I made a separate thread on this, but I’ll mention it here too: radio for Cloze-Collections.

Another interesting idea would perhaps be making an entire section (not sure if current site structure would allow to make it a part of the Hebrew course (just a separate section) or if it’d have to be an entirely separate language entry) for Biblical Hebrew. Sentences along with translations (there are public domain Bible translations, not sure how good / literal) are readily available and it’d be a fun tool for students of Biblical Hebrew (it’s not a separate language, but a specific form/usage of the language, but I see a potential usefulness of it). Also, besides just opting for the usual way of counting each word form as a separate word for the frequency lists, you can easily find annotated versions of the Bible which link every word to its lexeme / basic dictionary form (e. g. on Github in the JSON format), so that could be used to make better lists or some kinda “fluency” (obviously it means something different for this language / subset of a language) fast track: the entire Old Testament only has 8674 unique words, per Strong’s concordance.

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@Somepony, for several reasons, I believe Biblical Hebrew (called “Ancient Hebrew” at Tatoeba, which has been the source of the sentences at Clozemaster so far) should be a separate language from Modern Hebrew (called “Hebrew” here and at Tatoeba):

  • The two are actually quite different in many ways (grammar, vocabulary), and are learned for different purposes. Think of Early Modern (“Shakespearean”) English as compared to Modern English.
  • They’re separate on Tatoeba.
  • Keeping them separate would still allow people to study both, but mixing them together would force people to know both. Imagine being a learner of Modern English who is suddenly presented with the sentence “Speak me thy name and ___ thy place of birth” and not knowing the cloze word, “eke”, an archaic synonym for “also”.

I am pretty fluent in Spanish but still would like to use Clozemaster to review and learn. But I seem to have to start at the very beginning and the sentences are way too easy for me. Is there any way I can skip levels? If not, this would be a big improvement to the app.

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@ThrummingFirefly4607 If you skipped the first few sections of the Most Common Words, say start at 5000 Most Common, I imagine you’d be able to find something reasonably challenging.


In addition to the very helpful suggestion by @blogscot, depending on your current “playing” / “reviewing” modes, if you’re not already using them, you could possibly also still get some extra mileage out of the easier sentences by using e.g. the “transcribe” mode (or “listening”, “speaking”, or “text-input” options, and disabling the cloze box width and green colour hints).


Well, I don’t know very well why, but I completely fell in love with CM! Thank you!
I’m back one year later - this time at the forum - with the same suggestion: I think it would be better if Hebrew sentences audios came from Google Translator than, for the simple fact that GT audios are VERY much more accurate than Reverso’s.
Thank you for the great job, now I have languages for life!


New user here, I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask for this, but is there any updates coming for the Arabic collections any time in the near future?

There’s some amazing resources that are available for Italian and Russian - I was hoping that a similar set of grammar collections might be available for the Arabic language as well. Right now there is only the basic set of collections starting at 500 most common. Italian is more granular with collections starting at 100 most common and a bunch of additional detailed grammar collections. The grammar collections are so helpful to me.

It seems like there’s very few people studying Arabic on here compared to other languages so I’m guessing that’s not going to happen any time soon, I just wanted to put the suggestion out there if it’s something that may be doable in the near future. I need all the help I can get when it comes to that language, haha. Cheers.


I agree. And I am looking forward for more Chinese sentences in the fast track, soon I’ll begin there.

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Well, my contribution is, I would like to be able to hear again the audio sentence in the app, but I couldn’t find a button for this. I don’t know whether I missed it or if it doesn’t exist. It would be possible to add it?

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On my app, I start the question then go top righthand corner of screen to the Cog, and make sure I have turned on all the bits n bobs I need. In “Listening” I hear it before and after.

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Hi there @mike, I’ve been using clozemaster for quite some time now and enjoy it a lot. One difficulty I run into is that the grammar challenges are only available from the English pairings, not from other pairings I use. As the grammar challenges already exist in the English version, would it be possible to also integrate them in the other language pairings? For instance to add the English-Spanish grammar challenges to the French-Spanish course as well?

I don’t think any translation work would have to be done, as just doing the grammar challenges in English would be possible for a lot of language users already, due to the knowledge of English being so widespread within the language learning community. Thanks in advance for considering!

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Hi @mike,

I haven’t read this whole thread and I’m not sure if it’s mentioned, but is it possible to put the native audio from tatoeba for the sentences in which it’s available?

I’m not an IT guy so I don’t know how difficult that would be. For Spanish for example, there are about 113,000 sentences with native audio, I think it would be a tremendous resource if it could be made available.



Hello, @mike !
I’ve been thinking if it’s possible to add new dictionary entries to the sidebar, particularly for monolingual dictionaries, that would help a lot. Or, even better, if you can make your own custom link, but I guess that would be harder to implement because of different URL structures.

Some suggestions for dictionary links are:
Larousse for French:

Duden for German:
DWDS for German:

Treccani for Italian:

Weblio国語辞典 for Japanese:木

Daum for Korean (universal search mode):나무

Van Dale for Dutch:

I’m sure there are other acclaimed dictionaries for other languages but I’ll leave it to the experts here. Sorry for the wall of text.


Hi Mike,

I am enjoying Clozemaster but I do have concerns about the quality control on the Greek-to-English sentences. Unfortunately, there seem to have been several non-native Greek speakers on Tatoeba who ‘contributed’ (aargh) in Greek, resulting in quite a few sentences with small errors, and the occasional howler (see: chicken nuggets).

I point out the obvious mistakes when I catch them, and check with Tatoeba, but - I am not a native Greek speaker, and cannot be trusted too far!

I would really like some oversight for the Greek. I do really value the ability to add my own sentences. Thanks -

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Hello, I’d like to suggest two additions:

  1. The possibility of showing the english translation first, and only then (after hitting Enter, for instance) showing the target language sentence to complete. When I’m about to fill in word, I like first to think about the sentence and try to come up with my own translation into my target language before looking at the screen. The problem is that the two sentences are so close that I cannot avoid seeing the other one.

  2. On the (still hidden) “full text mode”, it would be nice if it had a button to switch to “text mode” when we get stuck, just as “text mode” has a button to switch to multiple choice.

And thanks by the amazing app, this is my first post here.


This happens to be one of my long-standing feature requests. I think it would be relatively trivial to implement, and would bring tremendous benefit for those who have grown out of filling in one word at a time.


I really really wish for a streak freeze