Help us improve Clozemaster! What would you most like to see added, changed, or improved?

It’s been great interacting with everyone on the forum - thanks for all the posts, feedback, and bug reports! It’s also good to ask more generally from time to time, just as in the title, what would you most like to see added, changed, or improved on Clozemaster? What would be most helpful for you in learning your target language? As always, any and all feedback is very much appreciated. Thanks again!


Ciao Mike. I’m not very tech-minded but after just 100 days, I can tell you that I absolutely love the whole format of ClozeM, its pace and its content. It has totally rejuvenated my Italian learning, so grazie mille Clozemaster !


Cio @Floria7! :star_struck: wow that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing and happy to hear! :blush:


Apart from some minor issues, which I have already reported elsewhere, I think the main issue is the quality of the sentences and the translations, which in my experience varies greatly between different language pairs.

I also note that the Android app seems to be falling behind the browser version in basic functionality, so I have largely stopped using the app. The need to sync each language pair individually on a frequent basis also contributes to that.

Other than that, I am very pleased with the constant flow of improvements that are gradually improving the service. The Clozemaster of today is a lot better than it was when I signed up about a year ago. I wish I could say that of Duo****o :wink:


Morbrorper, I couldn’t resist adding to your final comment. Thankfully their Italian forum seems to shine a light though I much prefer it here now. Complaints about streaks and lingots can wear you out. I belong to a “private” Italian group which is great so coupled with ClozeM I’m more than happy. By the way, I agree with you about some of the translations;-)


You have an amazing program here. I absolutely love it and promote it to my friends every time I get a chance (even on Duolingo). I still like using Duo for sentence structure, grammar, and stories. But, I also love doing and repeating hundreds of sentences daily, here on Clozemaster. There are some sentences that are not properly translated, but I don’t really care and skip over them.


Do something about the way the leaderboards reward people for playing the same few sentences over and over.


I would really appreciate having the option to get rid of the pop-up Level windows.

They crash my concentration. It’s like I’m focusing hard on something and then my little brother comes and pokes me in the ear. And I just don’t need to celebrate levels and whatnot. I just need these windows to go away.

Please. Just a simple switch so that I can turn them off and everybody else can enjoy them. Thank you


I wish there was a way to review the new sentences I have seen “today”. I don’t expect to earn any points; I just would like to look at them again some hours later.


I confess, I love the celebratory pop-ups. I live on my own and need to celebrate with somebody, even if it’s just laughing along with a crazy pop-up clip. But that’s just me. I hope this tiny touch of humour stays, please!


Totally agree! New sentences need to appear again the same day later in a day. Memory grabs them well that way! No scores needed for that.


I don’t want to ruin anybody else’s enjoyment. That’s clear from what I said. But I don’t enjoy it, and don’t need it. I just want to opt out.


I would also like the option to opt out when it comes to the celebratory pop-ups. For me it’s a distraction.

It would also be great if it were easier to mark a sentence as mastered both on the web and on iOS. There are too many clicks and confirmation pop-ups in my opinion, and I use that option a lot.


I hear you! An option would be good to keep us all happy. Bye👋


I like the compromise! Those airing out their frustrations here might be reminded that the ‘problem’ occurs more frequently at the lower levels… and when one gets up to higher levels you can go about a week or more without being congratulated for anything!


I agree. There are too many clicks needed to carry out simple things. It gets tiresome in the end.


Thanks for all the great feedback so far! It’s very much appreciated - keep it coming! :slight_smile:

Two new game settings on the web (gear icon bottom right while playing):

Leveled up notifications and manual master/reset confirmations are now toggleable :tada:

We’ll aim to get these added to the mobile app as well in an upcoming release.

More work in progress. Anything else you think of please let us know. Thanks again!


I would really like to see Papiamento added as a language. It is an amazing language spoken on the ABC islands above Venezuela, has 400,000 speakers, and is a mix of Portuguese,Spanish, and Dutch. There are not a lot of resources for this language and having it on clozemaster would be amazing.


Thank you Mike. I need those crazy clips - now everybody is happy and the crazies are toggliable! :wave::tada::wink:


Barcarolle. The crazy clips are now toggliable, yay, so we’re all happy! They are actually very funny, particularly the three crazy gals. Best regards to you, happy learning!