Help us improve Clozemaster! What would you most like to see added, changed, or improved?

Fair points. But in English at least, there is a fairly limited group of articles and prepositions. Nouns and verbs make up the vast majority of conversational English.

I wouldn’t suggest anyone spend time assembling a paired list of words/images. It’s either already been done and could be imported, or it’s something AI will take care of for us. And again, I think it’s only useful for the first thousand or so words. Once you get into abstractions it will become increasingly difficult to match an image with a word.

Maybe a better project for an Anki deck than CM, although I completely abandoned Anki for CM when I found it. Going back would feel like negative progress.)


Rather than for individual words, we’re considering trying out DALL-E / AI generated images for each sentence.


What if adding an option where you could attach audio files (that would be autoplayed once you’ve answered) to your sentences instead of using TTS or AI?
I mean, in my case, getting the audio back when I answer something, helps me improving along my learning journey, even if it comes from TTS.
But, what about the languages that don’t have that TTS option? Wouldn’t be great we could add the audio by ourselves? I don’t know if it is possible due to hosting reasons or whatever, however, I wanted to make the suggestion.

Thank you very much! I really enjoy using Clozemaster!


@mike The fact that you ask us for our input makes ClozeM special!


Feature request: Contextual game settings.

I find the various options in game settings invaluable. However, it is rather cumbersome to have to change multiple toggles every time I switch between different types of exercises.

For instance, while I usually use spelling and typing color hints for vocabulary building collections, using those hints on, for instance, the para vs por Spanish grammar challenge would completely remove the challenge in this context. I also use different settings when doing listening reviews, etc. But it appears that game settings are sticky across all game modes, so they must be laboriously changed with every session.

When one is switching between many different collections and review modes on a daily basis, changing these settings for each session is terribly inefficient.

It would be immensely helpful if the game settings were retained separately for each possible collection/review mode combination, or alternately if we could create custom (user named) game setting templates which can be selected in one click from the exercise page.

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Free tools exist which do this very well for a limited collection, such as babadum. Might be scope creep for Clozemaster.

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Well,as for me, I rather learn without an image to attach, because my imagination calls up a scene that is more suited for its experience from the sentences.

But I confess that I learned a lot of Japanese from anime and games, and the images were very useful, though I tend to think that its due to the flow of the storytelling, although I’m not sure if a loose image would be of great help.

PS: Welcome @James_L , @ivanec94 and @seveer :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


I like this approach a lot.

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Audio is not available for all the languages but it’s on there it was like a light went on whenever I figured out how to use it. It only made the experience more fun.


I have another suggestion: currently Clozemaster lets you decide whether to show the translation of a sentence under it by default, have it available to reveal by a button press, or to not show it at all, and you can choose between those three, right? What might be interesting is an option to have whether a hint is shown depend on its mastery level. E.g. an option where, if a sentence is at 75% mastered (when answering it would take you to 100%), that it not show the hint at all, but show it at lower levels of mastery. That would make the final step from going to 75% to 100% more of a challenge, and offer more proof that it really is mastered.


I have used Clozemaster daily to learn Spanish for several years and am ranked 9 or 10 on all time points. I track it closely.

This morning I scored 3060 points in my 1st session for the day. They showed up :arrow_up:In In my daily and in the “full history” report BUT WERE NOT ADDED TO MY WEEKLY TOTAL. I have suspected this before but the evidence was not so crystal clear.

I am in hot pursuit and so close to the person just ahead of me. It motivates me. Not to get the points I earn is unacceptable. I love your program I ask you to fix this quickly. Please confirm getting this message along with what I should expect to happen.

Thanks for your prompt attention and have a splendid day.

Bill Paradis

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Hi Bill, thanks for the message and sorry for the trouble! This thread isn’t the best place though - if you could please email with whether you were playing on desktop or the mobile app, which collection or collections you were playing, and, to be sure, where you’re looking at the weekly total that wasn’t updated correctly. From there we should be able to figure out what’s up within a couple days. Thanks again!

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Well just use drops - a very nice image driven vocabulary builder. Used it for quite a while!

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Streak freezes.

A working private function - I set my account to private months ago & people I have unfriended can still send me notifications. I have complained about this - the company is more responsive than Duolingo (a low bar indeed) but this issue is still unresolved.


I would like to see a way of practicing Irish Phonetics whilst doing the sentences. There’s three dialects so there’s some complexity which comes with that but it is doable. Even doing one dialect gives folks a chance to stop speaking like an English speaker. Learning phonetics has really been a game changer for me.

Gerry O’Kelly is a real Irish language advocate. He might even give you permission to use his or advice how you can get the phonetics taught in Clozemaster. He’s a main teacher of the free online Beginners “Start to Learn” at and ccng-philo-celtic These are the phonetics that you learn in that class. (We call it our Robo Jerry!)

Irish Pronunciation for Beginners - Step 1 - the vowels

Irish Pronunciation for Beginners - Step 2 – the diphthongs

Irish Pronunciation for Beginners - Step 3 – short, long, broad, and slender vowels

Irish Pronunciation for Beginners - Step 4 – the consonants

Irish Pronunciation for Beginners - Step 5 – the last few rules

Here’s another suggestion:
As in Progress In Irish (though they say they are not standard Irish)

And another example:

Anyway it might not be possible, but it’s a suggestion for the future.

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Just discovered this thread! Will throw my suggestion into the ring.

I would like to see longer dictation exercises be offered as an option. You already have the transcribe option, which asks that you write out what you hear. But currently the exercises are only for single sentences. It would be awesome to see longer texts of a few sentences or even a paragraph to be included. I’ve found dictation to be a very effective way to get words from another language coded into memory. I am learning German through a service called SmarterGerman, and their most effective tool is their dictation exercises, which breaks a long story into a lot of small lessons of 2-3 paragraphs and has you attempt to write out what you here.

This app though is already awesome for what it offers, so thank you very much for your hard work!


Could we make it so that languages aren’t actually added to your profile unless you’re actually playing sentences from them? I’ve clicked on a lot of languages out of curiosity and now clozemaster thinks I’m learning everything from Amharic to Piedmontese. It just clutters up the drop down at the top.

Also how do I remove these languages from my list lol

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@mike I’m a new user, and have used or evaluated many programmes and apps over a number of years. Clozemaster is an excellent product, and I use it to supplement my main web course for Italian. I really can’t fault it. Excellent work! Chris


Switch to an unwanted language pairing and look for a red garbage can at the bottom of the page, above the footer.



Though @morbrorper has already answered, let me give you some screenshots. You can delete courses from the web version and the iOS app (not sure of the Android app).

STEP 1: On the dashboard, click your user name and select the language course that you would like to delete.

STEP 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click the garbage icon.