Wrong forum discussion linked to sentence

Hi @Terrilee! Opening this to respond to your comment here, pasted here for easy reference:

I arrived at this discussion by clicking on the link for the Spanish sentence “Lo vi”, which had as German translation “Ich lebe es.” I was hoping to find out how this could be an accurate translation. But this discussion seems to have nothing to do with the sentence I was questioning. Can someone help me understand (1) the Spanish sentence I questioned or (2) how that sentence connects with the discussion above?

Where did you click the link for the Spanish sentence “Lo vi”?

“Ich lebe es.” is an incorrect translation, I’ll get it fixed/removed.

Thanks for any further info!

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I was playing either the Fast Track or the Review, not sure which, and one of the sentences was “Lo vi.” One of the translations was “Ich lebe”, which I thought might be a mistake. Alternate and more logical translations, such as “Ich sah”, were included as well. I clicked on the link associated with the sentence to see if there was any discussion about that sentence, but I landed on a discussion about a completely different sentence. I am new to Clozemaster, so I may have wrong expectations for how those links work. While exploring, I noticed a link to Tatoeba, so I registered on that site and found the sentence, and it does include “Ich lebe” as a translation. Is this an idiom or something? I tried to replicate this action but I cannot find the sentence in Clozemaster now. Here is the link to Tatoeba: Sentences with: "Lo vi" - Tatoeba

I just found this same problem trying to comment on the Spanish sentence ‘Tengo que {ir}’. I don’t think when I clicked the comment button that there was a comment linked… but when I clicked it, my own post for another sentence months ago popped up and I was confused. I clicked the link to the forum discussion and it led me to one for ‘{Saben} que tengo que ir’.

The sentences are similar (both have ‘me tengo que ir’), but are not even focused on the same clozed word.