Tronco, está buena de narices.

¿Alguien sabe dónde se usa “tronco”? Leí en alguna parte que viene de los años 70 en España, pero no sé si es cierto.

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Yo lo oía en Madrid en los noventa, pero no sé si todavía se usa.

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Se sigue escuchando a veces pero muy poco.


En particular, recuerdo con cariño “¡tranqui, tronco!” :slight_smile:


I hear “tronqui” a lot in Élite (the Netflix series).

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English Translation

I don’t know where it is.

Why is it “dónde” and not “donde”? (The sentence I’m referring to is “No sé dónde está.”)

Edit: Another case of Sentence comments end up in wrong thread and Wrong forum discussion linked to sentence

I haven’t seen the sentences but I will try to help you with that one.
Donde is generally used without any accent mark because is (llana) stressed on the penultimate syllable and ends in vocal. Refer to accentuation rules: Spanish Rules of Accentuation -
But if it takes part in a question ¿?(or exclamatory sentence¡!) it is accentuated to differentiate it from its homophone donde (relative adverb) / dónde (interrogative adverb). This occurs with qué, por qué and some others as well.

And this is a mistake. Depending on the sentence it is donde or dónde.


Missing accents in indirect questions is unfortunately very common in the Tatoeba corpus, and hence on Clozemaster. I have reported quite a few over the years, and got them corrected, but it seems there is always one more round the corner.


Thank you :heart: Tatoeba and hence Clozemaster became better because of you.