Help us improve Clozemaster! What would you most like to see added, changed, or improved?

I’m new but have learned languages for a long time. The app is great but (I’m sure others have mentioned this; haven’t checked) the MAJOR thing to change would be the computer voices. If you had native speakers reading the sentences this app would be 5x better. The computer freauently makes pronunciation mistakes in Russian (stress) and Mandarin (wrong pronunciation for characters that are pronounded differently in different contexts). Another prob is that, for beginners, it is not clear how formal some sentences are. I have made an idiot of myself sometimes using Clozemaster words that sound neutral in English but are very formal in the original. The Chat GPT feature is a great idea.


It would be really great when a new day would start at 04:00 o’clock instead of 00:00 - I’m doing my reviews before going to bed and sometimes, when it’s past midnight, I lose my streak, which is a bit demotivating. Anki does it as well.


You should be able to work around that by changing your time zone.


I’ll try that, thanks!

1 Like

i agree, native audio would be great




Thanks for making this change @mike

It would also be useful if, after having filtered out the “marked as known” sentences, or 100% mastered, 75%, etc, if there was a button to fast forward to the end of the list, rather than just the “next” button at the bottom, as some lists can be hundreds of pages long; as it is set up now, one has to click through all those pages to reach the end of the list, and that just isn’t practical. Thanks!


It would be very helpful to have a global search the sentences that are the most troublesome, i.e., you have gotten them wrong more than x number of times.

To take it a step further, it would be super cool to have a collection automatically created of those sentences!

If all this is too much of a pipe dream, then maybe just in the sentence search section where there is already the “Difficult” for wrong more than 1x, a “Super difficult” option for sentences more than 3x or 5x?

Thank you for considering.


I often find it kind of demotivating that the only two options with fully mastered sentences is to show them again in 365 days or not show them again at all within your lifetime. It would be nice if reviews went on to be due in 2-3 years, 5 years and so on or if mastered words that you still got right after X amount of years would be highlighted as “recommended” to mark as known; because quite frankly, it’s hard to assess whether I fully know the cloze word or I still remember it after more than 1 year, but also leaving it at one year will just add to the pile that, at this point, is not showing up less frequently (unless you, again, are using mark as known which could be subject to human bias).

I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your consideration!


So do I! Therefore, I’ve set my 100% review period to 300 days, which I can double to 600 with the Easy button. As for having review dates going beyond two years, that’s a bit beyond my event horizon. :slight_smile:

The downside is that I have to wait a full 300 days to review the clozes that go from 75 to 100%, as the Hard, Normal and Easy buttons are only shown for recurring reviews.


Dear @mike, I just got an idea for an improvement! Could we get another button next to “Explain”, called “Synonyms”? It would mainly serve an educational purpose, expanding our vocabulary even further, but there’s another situation in which it would be super useful - I usually do type in exercises, rather than multiple choice, and I sometimes find myself in a situation where I know enough vocabulary to have few synonyms in my mind for the word in question. It can take a while before guessing the correct one, because I have to start typing few different words and use the color hints. So far the only solution I found is to add a hint saying “NOT xxxx, xxxx, xxxx”, in order to know which word is meant, but that only works for the sentences I already played before. But If I could have a look at the list of synonyms and see that some that I know are missing, that would make things much faster.

For example: let’s say the sentence is “He bought a motorcycle”. I already know three words that mean pretty much the same - motorcycle, scooter and motorbike. Instead of trying to type all of them and guessing which one is correct using color hints, I could just click on the “Synonyms” and see a list “motorbike, scooter”, which would be a clear sign for me that the word in question is “motorcycle”.

I assume this feature would also use the AI, just like the “Explain” button, so it should be pretty easy to implement.

Very happy to hear other people’s opinions!


@mike I would like to second this suggestion. I have only recently started using Clozemaster, and being able to search & sort sentences/clozes by the number of times answered correct/incorrect would be useful for both speeding up initial reviews & targeting sentences/clozes that you have struggled with consistently.

Related to this, I also find the interface for managing sentences on web limited/frustrating. The narrow window with sentences taking up significant vertical real estate means you can easily scroll too fast etc, all the buttons are rather small and easy to misclick, useful information isn’t presented in a functional way.

If the state of each sentence was displayed in columns that you could sort by descending/ascending, add maximum/minimum values for each etc, then you could manage sentences much faster and more accurately. Having columns for “Mastered”, “Date of next review”, “Correct” and “Incorrect”, showing sentences in order of most times I have answered incorrectly descending/ascending, having filters for mastered percentage so you could show those that are 25, 50 & 75 percent mastered but not those that are 100% mastered and then sorted by number of times answered incorrectly, you get the idea.



Is it possible to set different review settings for each of my collections?

For example, there could be a ‘Default Review Setting’ that applies universally, as there always has been. Then, for specific collections — like the ones I need to practice more frequently — I could customize the settings to review them more often.


You don’t need AI for this. All you need is to look up the word in a Thesaurus.

Since you also asked for opinions: I think that such a ready-made list of synonyms shouldn’t show me words I haven’t learned yet. So if the farthest I’m in the most common words collections is the 1000 most common words, then the list of synonyms shouldn’t show me a word from the 50,000 most common words. I’m not that far on my journey yet. I’d want to see only synonyms from collections up to the most advanced collection I’ve already played. If I’m not even aware of a word X yet, then it’s unnecessarily confusing to be told to enter a word that is ”not X“.


All you need is to look up the word in a Thesaurus.

Sure, but only when the language you’re learning is so popular that you can easily find a Thesaurus online. For many languages this is not the case.

If I’m not even aware of a word X yet, then it’s unnecessarily confusing to be told to enter a word that is ”not X“

That’s not what I meant, quite the opposite - if you already know some synonyms, it is a waste of time to try all of them before guessing the right one (see my example with motorcycle/motorbike/scooter). But I agree that it would be even more amazing to be able to see synonyms that already appeared as clozes before.

I disagree. Although you may not be practicing the cloze word at hand, you are reinforcing all its synonyms and connect them with the cloze word. “Neurons that fire together, wire together,” as they say. It seems you under-appreciate how learning works. Have you ever taken a “learning how to learn course”? It’s not a waste of time. But I agree with you, and with what you probably meant—if all you care about is learning the cloze word at hand, this is not the most efficient way. It gets old to have to try all synonyms you know before you finally hit the right one. If you want your practice sessions to be more efficient, you can use hints of the form “not X”, and I do that myself.

You misunderstood me.

Let’s pretend that

  • motorcycle is in the 500 most common words collection,
  • motorbike is in the 2000 most common words collection,
  • scooter is in the 10000 most common words collection.

Now pretend the farthest I’ve got so far is the 500 most common words collection. Your proposed synonyms button shouldn’t show any synonym for motorcycle because since I’m not even aware of any synonym yet, I’m not thinking of entering any other word than motorcycle in the first place. Same as you wouldn’t show a fifth grader some college-level maths.

Now let’s pretend I moved on to the 2000 most common words collection. The hint should show me “not motorcycle”. That’s it. In other words, your proposed button should show only motorcycle. Don’t show scooter if I’m not even aware of it yet.

Now pretend I now need to review some words from the 500 most common words collection. When I see motorcycle now, this time I should be shown “not motorbike” because now I’ve already advanced to the 2000 most common words collection. Your synonyms button should show only motorbike but not scooter.

I haven’t read through this entire thread to see if someone else has wondered the same, but is there a way to type in a page number when the “manage sentences” tab is open for a collection? Would be a nice little feature to be able to type in the page number, as sometimes I try to speed read as far as I can in a collection, but can’t do all 500 pages of a 10,000 sentences collection of course. Cheers!


This is awesome, thanks for adding this. I was also hoping for a search filter in the “manage sentences” view that allows you to filter the sentences that have reached “100% mastered but not marked as known”. That way it would be possible to quickly batch process sentences that are completely mastered and mark them all as known.

Right now if you filter by “100% mastered” in the search filter, it will show sentences that are at 100% but also already marked as known, so you have to sift through pages to find the ones that aren’t marked known yet.


Could English (and other languages) from Romanian please be added to the language pairings?

I create a lot of custom collections which often have sentences I’ve entered myself. I think these could use some QOL improvements.

For one, I just noticed that you can create forum posts from sentences in your custom collections, which is not a problem in itself. However, there doesn’t appear to be any place accessible from the Review All mode (even the edit sentence modal) that actually tells you which collection a sentence comes from, and there doesn’t appear to be any way to globally search your own custom collections, so it’s quite a drag tracking such a sentence down. Posting to a forum for a sentence nobody else will see, or which you might correct yourself, is usually kind of pointless.

Also, the shared collections browser could use some love; my own shared collections don’t show up in the list (not sure if they are actually not being shared or just obscured to the owner, but it seems odd how few collections there are given the number of active users on this site). There are also no tags or any way to search them. You can’t even select a page index but must thumb through every page.

Hope you can make use of these observations. Thanks!