My current Italian from English dashboard tells me I have mastered 10,908 out of 11,238 clozes. Oh wow, I should be more than fluent by now, with such a vast vocabulary. In reality, in my recurring reviews I fail about 1 out of 10 and feel unsure about even more, so I don’t think I have “mastered” nearly that many. So I think we need a new and better definition of mastery.
I’m open to suggestions. Perhaps the number of clozes you have set to “never see again” is a good metric? Speaking of that, I think Clozemaster should offer more help in the decision process, letting me know how many times I have played the current cloze, and when I last played it.
Good suggestion.
At least under the “more stats” heading, it should be easy to give us additionally the number of clozes that we have marked as “known”.
That would surely be a better indicator of progress.
Personally, I play my clozes very fast, without thinking, by “gut feeling” (of course causing more errors).
So, when I got them correctly without mistake to “mastered+1” (one repetition after mastered), I usually mark them as “known” but only if there are no other difficulties in the whole sentence. That’s because I consider that I do not only repeat the cloze, but I repeat the sentence.
Therefore I do not think that Clozemaster can help me with these decisions.
I prefer to play it safe, so I don’t want to mark a cloze as “known” until I have gone through at least a couple of review cycles. Even then I cannot be certain that I won’t forget or get confused over time. Knowing whether it was 45, 90, or 180 days ago I last played a cloze would help me make the decision whether to mark it as known or not.
Thank you for opening this discussion thread. I always feel that playing only four times to reach the 100% mastered level is not enough.
I don’t remember who exactly (maybe morbrorper?), but someone told in other discussion that the average of times actually required to memorize a new word is six or seven times. I totally agree with their opinion.
I just want Clozemaster to increase the default number of steps from four to six (for example), and then to give us a “one-step-rewind” and “one-step-forward” button. This is a similar user interface to 15-second-rewind/forward buttons on YouTube and Podcast.
If Cloze A is too easy, you can push the “forward” button one or two times to skip redundant repetitions. If Cloze B is very difficult to memorize, you can push the “rewind” button to stay in the same progress or get more repetitions.
My idea is simpler than adding Easy/Normal/Hard buttons. I see Clozemaster adding many buttons on mobile apps these days. But as Floria7 said here, we need a simpler user interface particularly for mobile apps.
My argument is partially related to another post about the recent change in the SRS controls implemented into iOS app this week. I just hate it (sorry to be blunt!!)
I don’t have an Android device. Has the same new SRS been implemented into Android as well? I want to hear how other users think about the new SRS.
Good to hear that you like my idea I believe you need only two buttons: one step [-] and [+].
If you play a sentence at 50% mastery and your answer is correct, the current system automatically moves it to 75%. If you want to stay at the same progress level, you just tap [-] so that you stay at 50%.
I think there are two strategies to tackle the issue of “100% is not enough”:
Add more metrics/KPIs to capture the actual progress of your learning curve from different angles.
Change the current 4-step approach and make “100%” more meaningful without adding new KPIs.
MRgK’s idea is based on the first strategy whereas mine is the second.
I always believe that simplicity is critical. Adding more KPIs usually results in an unmanageable consequence and newbies don’t like it.
LingQ is notoriously famous for this matter. I saw many learners complaining about the complicated and user-unfriendly functionalities of LingQ. I’m afraid the recent change in the new SRS for iOS by Clozemaster is tracing the same bad path of LingQ.
The way I tackle it is simple - turn of suggested lengths and coloring / almost right typing aids, and start the random track after completing fluency. If I know the word first time round - i mark it as known. Otherwise i enter full cycle again. Simple and just uses current tools already available
I don’t even think about the percentage, I have every stage set to double time interval. I either am able to recall the word or if I don’t think I recalled it easily enough it goes back to 0. Somedays I give myself more leeway than others. I might send a word to 0 if I misspelled it, or if I just don’t feel confident even after answering correctly. By doing this I’m filtering out so more of my reviews are focused on the words I have difficulty with.
One year on, I can’t help feeling disappointed that there is still no display of “fully mastered” (at least not on the Web dashboard). I’m trying my best to clear my recurring reviews and the lack of positive feedback is discouraging, not having any idea of my success rate (the only one that counts for me).
Thank you very much for including the “marked as known” clozes!
It really provides a better feeling for my progress.
But why can’t I see the breakdown of the fluency fast track into the most common groups anymore? It helped me to see where my difficulties starts.
It is still there and I just can’t see it beacuse of a similar overlap?