Where are the hard normal and easy buttons?

@morbrorper @SnowyFog601 thanks for all this, helpful to know as we work to design and implement updates to this feature.


Hello, can you please answer my email :slight_smile: Thanks a lot !!! :hugs:

Great news! Cannot wait!

I am having the same problem on my computer–I can’t find the hard, etc. buttons. I am a Pro user, but have only recently become active on the site, so I am still learning my way around. I am signed in on my laptop, with edge as the browser and Windows 11 as an operating system, and cannot find the buttons anywhere. Also, when I am 75% mastered, it is showing me the sentence again after 15 -16 days, rather than the 30 days that my interval selection specifies. (I am using the default settings.) Am I doing something wrong?

Hi. When you click on Review or the exercise you choose, you should see Skill, Count and Mode by gradually scrolling down. Hope this helps.

No. :blush: You’re either using the app as intended, or it’s a bug. In neither case are you doing something wrong.

The buttons will show only if the sentence had 4 green checkmarks before you answered it.

If you transition a sentence from 3 to 4 green checkmarks, the buttons won’t yet show in that same iteration. With default settings, you have to wait 180 more days before the buttons show up. In other words, you have to have answered the sentence correctly 5 times in a row to see them. See also @LuciusVorenusX’s answer.

My guess is that you’ve correctly answered the sentence only 4 times in a row.

Edit: Seeing Mike’s answer, I should have mentioned that you first need to activate this option if you haven’t yet. It isn’t enabled by default. I assumed that you have the option enabled, and still don’t see the buttons. I confused you with someone else and that person had the option definitely enabled, so (mistaking you for that other person) I assumed you have the option enabled. (There have been to many threads about the hard/easy buttons not showing up during the last few weeks. :sweat_smile:)

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I, and others, have repeatedly asked for these buttons to come already when going from 75 to 100 percent.

Now, if you want the buttons to show up earlier, you can use the following work-around:

  1. deliberately fail the cloze
  2. press the check mark, to set it to “100% mastered”
  3. press Next to move on
  4. give the right answer when the cloze comes up again

My problem using this method is that I often forget myself and answer correctly where I should have failed. It also skews the statistics.


@BambergWein sorry for the confusion!

Please be sure they’re turned on in your review settings via the Dashboard.

Where are you seeing that it’s after 15-16 days / how do you know? That’ll help figure out what’s going on.



I’d posted a screenshot of designs for the mobile app above. Here’s a design for the web app:

  1. The controls can be toggled via the new button with a clock icon. When it’s not toggled on, the usual “Next” button is shown.
  2. The “Reset” and “Known” buttons have been moved into these new toggle-able controls.
  3. The “Master” button has been removed - the rationale is that these new controls decouple the % Mastered from the next review date so % Mastered is more an indicator of “number of times correct in a row”. So if it’s easy, you can push out the review date by choosing “Easy”, and if it’s really too easy, you can click “Known” so it doesn’t come up again / you can focus on other content. Curious about pushback on this change.
  4. These controls will be available for every sentence, not just already 100% Mastered sentences.
  5. The controls will be Hard = 0.5x default interval, Normal = default interval, Easy = 2x default interval.

Depending on feedback we should be able to have these controls out for the web within the next few weeks. We’re a bit slower on mobile app development at the moment, but as long as the web app change goes well we should be able to have them released for the mobile app as well within the next month or two.

Thanks for any and all input!

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If I accidentally clicked the wrong answer on a mastered sentence despite knowing the answer (for example, my cat walked over my keyboard), do I have to go through all stages again? Do I have to answer it tomorrow and in 10 days and in 30 days again? Or can I fix my mistake and set the sentence right back to 100%?

Edit: I just remembered @morbrorper’s idea which would be a solution.

Getting the Easy/Medium/Hard buttons the first time a sentence reaches 100% would be really nice. As for sentences below 100%… I can’t see myself using those buttons very often. If a word is hard, I just reset it to 0%.


Interesting. Assume you answer a new sentence in all four stages with “Hard”. Yes, you got it to 100% that way. But can you really say you “mastered” the sentence when coming up with the correct answer is still hard for you? And you only got the sentence to 100% because you halved the interval each time? This feels like cheating to me. An easy way out, sidestepping the forgetting curve.

Maybe it’s just quarreling about terminology (“mastered”) while the algorithm/logic is fine. Just do a few more rounds, and the problem sorts itself out. I just feel like a liar, saying I “mastered” something when I really haven’t.

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This issue also already exists for 50% and 75% Mastered sentences. There’s a way to set the % Mastered by clicking the button with the pencil icon after answering.

May-08-2024 07-10-46

So to answer your question - you could fix the mistake in the same way to set it back to 100% Mastered. Does that seem reasonable? @morbrorper has also suggested making the % Mastered check marks top right clickable - that’s being considered as well.

Good to know - thanks!

Good point / thanks for sharing. So to be sure, you’re thinking these controls are best suited just for sentences that are 100% Mastered?

Your guess was correct–I thought I would see these options for all the exercises once I had enabled it. I just need to be patient! Thank you for taking the time to answer.

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Thank you. I’ll experiment with that.

I think perhaps I made a mistake here–I cannot duplicate that anywhere. I thought I had tracked certain sentences to see how long it had been since I had reviewed them, but when I try to do the same thing I am not getting the same result. I will keep experimenting and if I can create the same result I will post it. Most likely I made a mistake, and apologize for having wasted everyone’s time. I’ll be more certain in the future before I post. I also just got a pop-up telling me to combine responses into a longer reply. I will be sure to do that also in the future. I am off to a bad start with the etiquette of the site, but I will try to do better with that–and in the meantime I’m enjoying using the site a lot.


No worries at all! You’re doing great :raised_hands: Thanks for the follow up. If you are able to reproduce, or you notice any other issues, please let us know of course. Here is fine, or emailing hello@clozemaster.com is the fastest way to get a response.

I like the basic idea. The one thing I’m not sure about is this:

Currently, I’m using the option “Use an always increasing next review interval with Hard/Normal/Easy buttons after answering to modify the rate of increase.” I like it, and I’m not sure I want to see it taken away. If anything, I would rather settle for the second option (setting the next review to 50/100/200% of the 100% Mastered review interval setting). At least that way, I would have more control; making the interval dependent on the default review interval setting would mean I had very little. Can the behavior be made configurable in this regard?


I think/hope this is what mike meant. So you’re talking about the same thing. :slight_smile:

  • “Hard” results in half the “Normal” interval for the according stage (0%, …, 100%)
  • “Easy” results in double the “Normal” interval for the according stage (0%, …, 100%)
  • the “Normal” interval is whatever you configured it to be (doesn’t have to be the default 0/1/10/30/180 days)

I think what Mike meant was that “Normal” serves as default/baseline, regardless of whether you actually use the default values (180 days) or custom values. The word “default” was used in two different contexts.


Sorry for the confusion! @davidculley your clarification is right on, “default” wasn’t the right word.

This should be like @davidculley put

  • Hard = 0.5x what your next review interval setting is at that % Mastered
  • Normal = your next review interval setting at that % Mastered
  • Easy = 2x what your next review interval setting is at that % Mastered

So if your review interval setting for 75% Mastered is 42 days, and you just got a sentence to 75% Mastered, then you’d see

  • Hard = 21 days
  • Normal = 42 days
  • Easy = 84 days

This is the idea, except available for all % Mastered.

What do you think?

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