I was curious about what kind of words would show up in the least common words collection (>50000 in French) so took a peak. And I was really surprised how many I could get right even with text input because there were missing words like “mangeait” (imperfect of manger/eat) and années. I looked at some old threads to see if an explanation already existed and found that each conjugated version of a verb could get assigned a different difficulty level, and the reason for it made sense to me. I still don’t understand why a word like “années” would be considered so difficult because it gets used quite a bit. (The full sentence is “Marcela écoutait de la music des années 80” and I don’t think any of the words in this sentence is not common)
Do I misunderstand that the commonness scale is based on the missing word which was based on this thread? I got a sentence that says “Parlez-vous le tagalog?” with Parlez as the missing word. So it’s clear that it’s the word tagalog that deposited this sentence into the rarest words category.
What am I missing? Have the rules changed since?