Llovía tan fuerte que decidimos visitarle en algún otro momento.

I’m a bit confused on the reasoning behind why it’s “le” and not “lo” here. Can anyone clarify? Isn’t “le” used when the action of the verb is not aimed directly at a receiving person? I can’t wrap my head around why this would be the case with “visiting someone”. Also visitar seems to be a transitive verb which in theory takes a direct object as far as I know.

Leísmo (“using le”) is a dialectal variation in the Spanish language that occurs largely in Spain. It involves using the indirect object pronouns le and les in place of the (generally standard) direct object pronouns lo, la, los, and las, especially when the direct object refers to a male person or people.

Here’s a couple of links I borrowed from one of @zzcguns earlier posts covering this topic:

Leísmo - Wikipedia
Leísmo and the Use of ‘Le’ in Spanish (thoughtco.com)


I agree with this, they’re largely interchangeable in day to day speech, at least referring to the Mexican dialect. I equate it to the native mistakes of using He and I spoke about it vs. Him and I spoke about it, although one is incorrect, I use both without hesitancy.

Disclaimer: No soy nativo :slight_smile:

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