Elle prend ses responsabilités très au sérieux.

English Translation

She takes her responsibilities very seriously.

How should I understand “très au sérieux” different from “très sérieux” ?

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I don’t think “très sérieux” would work here, as “au sérieux” is an adverbial expression. I believe you could say “très sérieusement”, though.


Hi @jonasbrondum,

@morbrorper is right.

Besides, “au sérieux” is never used in isolation.

I think it’s best to remember the expression “prendre au sérieux”, which means “to take seriously”.

Just like in English, the French expression can be used to talk about something or someone.


I think we have another case of the known bug Wrong forum discussion linked to sentence. Because I commented on Spanish from German. Not on French. Sentence comments end up in wrong thread

German Translation

Bleib mal auf dem Boden der Tatsachen!

The German translation essentially says, “Don’t lie/exaggerate.” or “Don’t make up your own facts.”

I think there is a mismatch between meanings here.