Your favorite resources to learn Spanish

Do you have a favorite

  • YouTube channel
  • book
  • podcast
  • Anki deck
  • website/app (besides Clozemaster and obvious ones like Duolingo/Memrise, etc.)

to learn Spanish?

If yes, please mention them here. :slight_smile:

By websites, I don’t mean news sites because although you can read them to improve your Spanish, they don’t actively teach you the language.

Somewhat contradictory to my point about news sites, there are novels specifically targeted at (adult) students at specific levels (A1/A2/B1/B2/…). Feel free to mention those. :slight_smile:

Maybe Babadum is worth a mention, and not only for Spanish, for learning vocabulary from pictures.

However, the Spanish course is seriously flawed as it rather consistently teaches you the wrong article for feminine nouns beginning with an unstressed a, as “el avispa” (which should be “la avispa”, of course). I’m just wating to be taught “el amoto” (for “la moto”). :slight_smile: So, use it at your own risk!