Últimamente no me siento tan segura en las redes sociales. En ocasiones me juzgo demasiado cuando veo las fotos de otras personas.

English Translation

Lately I haven’t been feeling very confident on social media. Sometimes I can be too hard on myself when I see other people’s photos.

Let me analyze each sentence in this statement to understand its grammatical structure and meaning.
First Sentence: “Últimamente no me siento tan segura en las redes sociales.”

Últimamente: This is an adverb of time meaning “lately” or “recently.” It sets the temporal frame for the entire sentence, indicating that this is an ongoing situation in the present that has been developing over some time.
No: This is the negative adverb that negates the verb phrase. It comes before the pronoun and verb in Spanish negative constructions.
Me: This is a reflexive pronoun that accompanies the reflexive verb “sentirse” (to feel oneself). In reflexive constructions, the action of the verb reflects back on the subject.
Siento: This is the first person singular present indicative form of the reflexive verb “sentirse” (to feel). The base verb is “sentir” (to feel), and it’s conjugated as “siento” for the first person singular (“yo”).
Tan: This is an adverb of degree meaning “so” or “as” that modifies the adjective “segura.”
Segura: This is a feminine singular adjective meaning “secure” or “safe.” Its feminine form indicates that the speaker is female.
En: This is a preposition meaning “in” or “on” that introduces the prepositional phrase.
Las: This is the feminine plural definite article “the.”
Redes: This is a feminine plural noun meaning “networks.”
Sociales: This is a plural adjective meaning “social” that modifies “redes.”

Second Sentence: “En ocasiones me juzgo demasiado cuando veo las fotos de otras personas.”

En ocasiones: This is an adverbial phrase meaning “occasionally” or “sometimes” that establishes the frequency of the action.
Me: This is again a reflexive pronoun, this time accompanying the reflexive verb “juzgarse” (to judge oneself).
Juzgo: This is the first person singular present indicative form of the verb “juzgar” (to judge) used reflexively with “me.”
Demasiado: This is an adverb meaning “too much” that modifies the verb “juzgo.”
Cuando: This is a subordinating conjunction meaning “when” that introduces the adverbial clause of time.
Veo: This is the first person singular present indicative form of the verb “ver” (to see).
Las: This is the feminine plural definite article “the.”
Fotos: This is a feminine plural noun meaning “photos” or “pictures.”
De: This is a preposition meaning “of” that introduces the prepositional phrase indicating possession or origin.
Otras: This is a feminine plural adjective meaning “other.”
Personas: This is a feminine plural noun meaning “people” or “persons.”

Complete Meaning and Structure
The statement consists of two simple sentences that reveal the speaker’s feelings about social media. Grammatically, both sentences use first-person reflexive constructions, which emphasize the speaker’s internal experience and self-reflection.
The first sentence establishes that the speaker (a woman, as indicated by the feminine adjective “segura”) has been feeling insecure on social media recently. The second sentence explains part of the reason: she judges herself too harshly when comparing herself to others through their photos.

The overall structure moves from a general statement of feeling (sentence 1) to a more specific explanation of when and why this feeling occurs (sentence 2), creating a logical progression that explains the speaker’s emotional experience.