Tu vas passer du très bon temps.

English Translation

You’ll have a wonderful time.

shouldn’t it be “de” très bon temps?

HI @paris2020 ,

That’s an interesting question.

The short answer is: no, “du” is correct here (often used with uncountable nouns, see below).

That said, I can see why you would want to use “de”, especially if you thought “temps” was plural here.

  • Temps” is invariable, i.e always spelt with this final “s”, whether it’s used in the singular or plural
  • Temps” is often used in the singular, as an uncountable noun (“indénombrable”).

You can think of “passer du bon temps” / “prendre du bon temps” as a set phrase/expression, meaning “to have a good time” / “to spend quality time”.

The translation is fine here, but another way to say “You’ll have a wonderful time.”, would be:

Tu vas passer un excellent moment. (I like it better.)