Suggested help rewording

I suggest rewording the help content from this:

Complete the sentence with the correct missing word! Points are determined by:

(if it’s multiple choice then 4, text input 8) x (the % Mastered divided by 25)

If you use a hint while playing text input you get half points. If you review a sentence before it’s ready for review you get half points. An incorrect answer gets 0 points. Playing favorites doesn’t use the same equation and always gets 2 points for correct answers.
alt+t Toggle translation
alt+p Switch sentence to multiple choice - half points!
alt+h Single letter hint - only 1 per sentence and half the points!

to this:

Complete the sentence with the correct missing word! Points are determined as follows:

For regular sentences:
(4 points for multiple choice, 8 points for text input) x ("% Mastered" divided by 25)

The number of points will be cut in half if you use a hint while playing text input, or if you review a sentence before it’s ready for review.

For favorites:
2 points for correct answers

alt+t Toggle translation
alt+p Switch sentence from text input to multiple choice
alt+h Single letter hint - only 1 per sentence


Thanks for this! We made some updates along the lines of what you suggested. Any other thoughts just let us know. :slight_smile: