Sucedió dos días después de que él volviera a Tokio.

I’m not sure why this would call for the subjunctive – his “coming back” seems to be factual, not in doubt.

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Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo.

  • En oraciones subordinadas tras ciertas expresiones cuando la acción reflejada por el subjuntivo ha tenido lugar con anterioridad a la de la oración principal.


Me extrañó mucho que me hubieras mandado una postal de la Cordillera Cantábrica.

Source: El pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo


Después de que

As a learner of Spanish, you will find some confusion surrounding the topic of the choice of verb form after después de que . Some books advise that the subjunctive should only be used when referring to yet unfulfilled events; others will say that, like antes de que , it is always the subjunctive.

In Spain, the subjunctive is used by the majority in all scenarios. In much of Latin America, meanwhile, the indicative is generally used when referring to already fulfilled events.


English Translation

It happened two days after he got back to Tokyo.

The safe option would be to simply say “después de su vuelta a Tokio”, wouldn’t it?

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