Strange addition of vowel marks and phrases in Hebrew

Until recently, none of the sentences offered for completion showed vowel marks, as expected. Within the last ten days or so, about half of the words/phrases suggested for completion have vowel marks. Even worse, none of them ever are the right choice for closure! This effectively leaves me with one or two possible choices for closure, instead of four.

Also, a large number of these, unlike the past, comprise two word closure options, instead of one.

This is a very serious change, which I can only consider a bug. It comes close to making Hebrew unusable,. I suspect the algorithm for supplying reasonable closure possibilities was altered, resulting in this situation.

What’s going on?


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I just posted about a similar issue with Icelandic.

Not only has there never been accented words, but none of the newly imposed words make a successful closure for any sentence at any time!

Hoping for this to be redressed ASAP by return to status as has obtained across the years I have used, and paid for, Clozemaster. Surely not worth continuing with a paid account otherwise, though free account will still be appreciated for text entry option. Accented, and irrelevant, closures makes the multiple choice option unusable.

If an issue makes you consider abandoning Clozemaster, I suggest writing a post containing the tag @mike, or using the contact form (see “Contact” at the bottom of any page), or both.

Thanks for letting us know! Work in progress to improve multiple choice options across a number of languages. Words with niqqud have been removed from Hebrew.

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Thank you for addressing this promptly - a great relief!

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