Shall we accept -ß- and -ss- both as correct answers?

Hi there,

I would like to kindly ask if it is possible to develop a function for German learning section? Since ß and ss could be convertible in many cases, it will be great to have a setting to accept both as correct answer. For example:
Es ist keine große Sache.
Es ist keine grosse Sache.

Thanks a lot!


With me saying this as a German, believe me that ß and ss are not the same.

Also, the word “gross” simply does not exist in the German language (at least not in contemporary German or the same sense as “groß”). The word “groß” does. This should establish that ß and ss aren’t identical or exchangeable.

Therefore, as a German, I’m voting against your proposal, since accepting both spellings would be equivalent to willingly accepting misspellings.


As a fellow German who also happens to study German linguistics and literature, I second @davidculley’s post! There are reasons why we have the two different letters and it would just look weird to a German if you interchanged them freely. Also, if you start learning your vocab without paying attention to this difference, you later have to unlearn the wrong spellings and learn the correct ones which imo is an unnecessary effort.