
English Translation

Forget about it.

Tu, scòrdatelo! Voi, scordàtevelo!


@morbrorper This reminds me of the famous and very beautiful “Non ti scordar di me” with Pavarotti.

Ah, I thought just the title would pop up not a big pic. Hope it’s allowed.


From your post I take it that the stress is on the wrong syllable when being pronounced by George. It should have been scordàtelo, not scordatèlo. As in scordatelo - Translation from Italian into English | PONS me, I am just trying to clarify this “scordatelo”.Did I get it right?


Agree, that’s how I took it. Scordàtelo.

No, I actually think Giorgio got it right. :slightly_smiling_face:

Both Giorgio and Carla say scordatèlo which seems to be ok but…

The intricacies of Italian eh!

Think of “scòrda”, with “te” and “lo” added.

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Just found a much better Reverso pronunciation who all say quite clearly “scordàtelo” but “scordatevèlo”.

I’m putting all my euro on “scordàtelo” e “scordatevèlo” :wink:

Hope I’m not going to be broke or go pazza! .

Edit: Reverso confirm as above.

I put my money on “scordàtelo” being “(voi) scordatelo” :slight_smile:

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Picture me thrusting my arms in the air in that delicious Italian way and say “scordatelo”! I checked 3 sources , the say scordàtelo .I do not like to learn it wrong and then relearn it.


Ciao! That’s where I’ve put my money! Try also gesticulating wildly to this one “Perdindirindina!” (a general exclamation like “oh for goodness, sake!”)


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I found one interesting pronunciation which has the stress on two syllables making it scòrdàtelo. There are words which have it on two syllables. Could it be one of them? Madrelingua to the rescue! Subito!

Ho lasciato un messaggio per il nostro Piero - il-Preciso:-)


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Who do you trust the most, man or machine? :wink:


By now, I have heard as many different pronunciations (including this from Forvo earlier) as there are syllables in this word. Yes, it is a question about trust and I am not betting on anything. I will go with madrelingua whenever he will give us the answer. I am prepared to be surprised. I just do not want Giorgio to be wrong because right now he is the man/machine who/that teaches me.

@barcarolle Our madrelingua answers as follows:

"Gli accenti sono questi: “scòrdatelo” “scordàtelo” e “scordàtevelo”. Sono “o” e “a” aperte.

La prima rivolta a un “tu” - seconda e terza rivolta a un “voi” .

La differenza tra “scordàtelo” e “scordàtevelo” è minima, di solito sono usati come imperativi. Noi italiani abbiamo questo vezzo di combinare tra loro i clitici (we have this habit of combining Clitics)."

Allora, now we know. Tanti auguri a te!

Edit: a little more info from Piero:

"P.s.: a differenza dell’inglese, la maggior parte delle parole italiane ha l’accento “sdrucciolo”. Vuol dire che noi accentiamo la terzultima sillaba. Per quello diciamo (sbagliando) Mànchester anzichè Manchèster: perchè man ches ter quindi la terzultima sillaba è Man (che casualmente è anche la prima, ma questo non c’entra). Èsile: e si le - accentiamo la e perchè è la terzultima sillaba. Àrabo: a ra bo accento sulla a. Parole più lunghe: raduniàmoci - ra du nià (terzultima) mo ci.

Funziona con i sostantivi e molti verbi, ma meno con i verbi particolari come scordarsi".


@morbrorper Ciao, we did well with our “scordàtelo” così we can now practice our scòrdatelo;-) :clap:t3: Bravo, avevo ragione.

Una buona giornata!


Ciao @Floria7, could you please tell your madrelingua that if they’re saying Manchester with the stress on the first syllable, then they are saying it correctly. They would be speaking sbagliando if they were to stress the second syllable.

They could listen to the locals speaking on Forvo if they want to confirm that they were actually stressing the word correctly all this time.

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I noticed too but knowing Piero, I think this is his roundabout way of explaining “getting it wrong”. I’ll make sure he gets it right :wink:

Floria7! Thank you and Piero! Now you, Giorgio and Clara, what is up? Did you flunk this test? Sembra piuttosto imbarrazzante per gli insegnanti?

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