Requesting full parity between mobile and desktop versions

I have noticed that the desktop and mobile version are two completely different apps, and it bothers me to no end how I have to switch between the two, in order to achieve different things. For one, I still don’t see a button on the mobile version to add a sentence to a custom collection. So what I have to do is favorite the words while I’m in mobile, log on to the desktop version, then look at the list of favorites, copy them to my custom collections, then unfavorite them. On the other hand, the mobile version allows me to click a little clock button after I did a sentence, which will reveal options for setting the difficulty of that word, which then impacts how often I will encounter it again, which is the reason I use the mobile app. However, the desktop app has said functionality for words, but only those that are already mastered, and the repetition intervals can be incrementally increasing, which makes a perfect difficulty based SRS system (but again, only for mastered words), but you have to dig in the settings of the desktop app to achieve this, and you don’t even have this setting in mobile. Why can’t the devs combine all the features of both versions, instead of running essentially two different programs in parallel?


Thanks for the post here and on the subreddit!

Work in progress! We’re still small and moving fast, so sometimes there is indeed lag time between a feature or update being released on the web vs mobile app.

Adding words to a collection from the mobile app is a bit further off.

The clock button next review controls are likely to be released for the web app within the next month, sooner if all goes well. You can already try them out by adding &nextReviewControlsEnabled=true to the end of the URL when you’re playing, for example

We just need to wrap up hotkeys and a way to migrate the current Hard/Normal/Easy setting to this new setting (so if you have it turned on it behaves the same).

Anything else please let us know!


Re “nextReviewControlsEnabled”, I would like you consider this post of mine: Where are the hard normal and easy buttons? - #42 by morbrorper, where I argue that the best solution would be to have only two buttons, with which it would be easy to pick the exact next-review date of one’s liking, not being stuck with only three options.


If I may add a similar request: I would love to have the option of “ignore all sentences with the same missing word” button in the app - at the moment we can ignore only the sentence we just played. Especially when dealing with “most common words” collections, sometimes it is a bit tedious to have to play the same, very basic words over and over, without being able to just ignore them and move on to the actual challenging vocabulary!

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