Posting discussion on a sentence does not show the collection it belongs to

If I am looking at a sentence and I click the button that writes a post about it to a forum, there’s nothing that allows anyone reading the post to find the original sentence, other than the text of the sentence (and its translation). It would be nice if a link to the sentence and/or the name of the collection containing it was automatically written to the post.

Knowing the collection is important for a number of reasons. One is that the new Fast Track was assembled by a different procedure from the older collections, one that is supposed to make it more error-proof. Discovering a mistake in a new Fast Track sentence can indicate that even this newer procedure has problems and needs to be improved.


This issue is especially relevant for the new Fast Track, as it regrettably isn’t globally searchable. My heuristic is that if I can’t find a sentence using the global search, it’s most likely part of the new Fast Track, but I can’t tell which which level unless I search through each one of them.

On the other hand, I sometimes post questions on sentences in some private custom collection of mine. Even though most of those are derived from a standard collection, it would be confusing to other users to see a reference to a collection they have no access to.