Oh dear, my English from Italian streak has gone!

Hi @mike. For some reason nothing is recorded for yesterday. I do both my streaks literally one after the other, without fail, and my Italian from English is OK, grazie dio.

There were a couple of questions that blipped out yesterday and I found I was repeating questions from just an hour previously. Perhaps that was the problem. It’s not the end of the world but it kept me disciplined. Can you help?

Best regards… Floria7.

Ps Just a thought, on both, it says I have 1 hour left till 11pm. Shouldn’t that be till midnight?

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Sure thing! Do you recall what they should be?

:thinking: that does indeed sound off - might you be able to send a screenshot?

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Ciao @mike Dang, I had a screenshot the night before but did a tablet cleanup. The streak was slightly less than my Italian from English, I think around the 440’s as I’d just been up-cheered for reaching level 106.

Thank you for coming back to me so quickly. It is so appreciated…


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Ciao @mike

Thank you, grazie mille, merci, mille grazie, you are the Best! Next time you’re in the Lounge, I’ll open a bottle and put out some snacks to celebrate the Return of The Streak. :wine_glass: :pizza:

Tanti auguri… Floria7