Nuestro escape no fue otra cosa que un milagro.

English Translation

Our escape was nothing short of a miracle.

Is “escape” a Spanish word?

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Yes, the verb escapar as a noun. In addition to the obvious uses like here, it’s used to describe a loss of air/liquid from a system, either unintentional (e.g. gas leak) or intentional (e.g. car exhaust).


I looked it up, and it looks like fuga or huida are better alternatives in this sense of the word.

1 Like gives escaping from prison as the first example for escapar. The sentence sounds normal to my ear.

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It’s the use as a noun that I’m referring to.

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SpanishDict is not a definitive source. I’ve lived in Spanish-speaking countries and escape is absolutely the word I would expect to hear in this context. There could be other countries which would say other things, but nothing in their dictionary entries suggests that they are more precise. Huir to me just means running away, not escaping per se.


I see that has this as its first definition for escape:

Acción de escapar o escaparse, especialmente de una situación de peligro.

I stand corrected.

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