Non-target language surnames and such in cloze-listening

I just decided to try out Cloze-listening in my target language, which is French, however only a few sentences in I’ve ran into a few instances of the same problem - namely the speakers recording themselves attempting to pronounce surnames that are foreign to them as part of the sentence.
The problem that it creates is that while I may understand the rest of the sentence, when they get to the surnames it sounds like complete gibberish, and I am wasting my energy trying to concentrate on understanding what I assume to be an accent issue or words I don’t know yet, while in fact the unintelligible part would have been for example “Michał Żebrowski et Michał Kusiak”

I don’t know how the sentences are curated, but I hardly see any value in listening to surnames and such that not only are NOT part of the target language, but also the speakers have no idea how to pronounce… perhaps this could be improved somehow?


Thanks for the feedback! I’d like to politely argue the viewpoint that it’s not a waste but rather quite beneficial. Our goal with Cloze-Listening is to have it be a bridge to listening to native speaker audio with ease. TV, movies, radio, podcasts, etc. all may contain names that are not typical for the target language and native speakers may mispronounce. Personally I want to be able to recognize when the gibberish :slight_smile: I hear is probably a name and not worth spending too much time trying to parse (or eventually even be able to recognize the name they’re trying to pronounce). Cloze-Listening is good practice for that, since I can check the text to confirm whether my gibberish-name-detector is well calibrated. :slight_smile: Of course if enough users prefer the sentences with names are removed, we can do that too. :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t go that far; but I would also try to avoid having a foreign name as a cloze; I have found a couple (and reported them) in the Italian course.