My 500 daily goal? Suddenly streak at 1 day!

Just a small query. I haven’t changed my daily goal from 500 in ages, I have more than achieved it every day and yet a big red streak “1 day” appeared today. With relief I see that my overall streak is safe n sound - just need to know why my daily goal is back to 1. Thanks for any feedback.

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Sorry about that! Here’s what I’m seeing for points for the past 5 days:

2021-01-19 => Points: 1906
2021-01-20 => Points: 904
2021-01-21 => Points: 364
2021-01-22 => Points: 914
2021-01-23 => Points: 1264

and for number of sentences played:

2021-01-19 => Played: 121
2021-01-20 => Played: 47
2021-01-21 => Played: 34
2021-01-22 => Played: 102
2021-01-23 => Played: 107

The dip on Thursday seems to be what caused the daily goal to reset. Do those numbers seem right? Did you possibly play at a different time of day as usual, or on a different device? Any offline progress on the mobile app that is yet to be synced?

The More Stats on the dashboard (button top right) includes a graph with the number of sentences played per day, we should probably add number of points per day as well to make that more visible.

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@Mike Thank you so much for your answer. Most odd as I never fall under 500. Perhaps I had a lock-down dip, our days tend to blend into night so easily at the moment. It is not the end of the world tho, as long as my main streak lives on to keep me relatively disciplined to my daily 500.

Being able to communicate with Mike here still amazes me and it is thoroughly appreciated. So have a lock-down hug to say thank you! Stay well…!

Edit: Just out of interest, the only change made (last week) was to my Review spacing. It was 0, 1, 10, 30, 180 so I added a “1” instead of 0. Not to worry tho:-)

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I had the same problem a few days ago when I changed the daily goal points from 500 to 200

Hi. Yes, it does happen when you change the actual goal. I changed my goal once and expected the streak to revert to 1, no problem, but this recent drop happened although I made no change at all in my goal. Never mind, as long as my main streak doesn’t break, tutto va bene:-) Stammi bene GiuseppeBG :slight_smile:

Edit: I do remember completing a couple of lessons on my computer (I usually work on a tablet) so this probably caused the blip! I’d better keep taking the tablet lol:-)

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Experiencing something similar, last Saturday I made the bare minimum of my limit 500 points (in Spanish), I was busy so I stoped at soon as got the 500 points. However I see now that apparently I just did 480 points so my 250+ streak is gone.

I did it on my smartphone through the web version.

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@Deliop Hmm, sorry to hear this. I’m not the best at stats etc so I hope LuciusVorenusX or someone more experienced can advise.

I hope this hasn’t discouraged you too much. Keep learning! Kind regards… Floria7.

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Sorry to hear that. Could it have happened due to different timezones? My phone sometimes shows a broken streak compared to using web, where I have a slightly different timezone set.

You can check your web timezone settings here: Learn language in context - Clozemaster

Others have also lost streaks due to (travel- or summertime-related) timezone changes.

Or perhaps a synching issue?


@Deliop sorry to hear! Please be sure to check your time zone settings on the web vs your phone like @sindaco mentioned, and if you write in to with what your streak should be we can get it reset. :slight_smile: