La tarea me llevó más tiempo del que esperaba.

English Translation

The homework took me longer than I had expected.

Homework is the term used in the explanation.

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English Translation

The assignment took me longer than I had expected.

Yes. “Tarea” can refer to homework; it’s broader than English “task”.

This sentence is more correct in this way:

La tarea me llevó más tiempo del que me esperaba.

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I don’t understand how the reflexive pronoun makes it more correct.

Because without the reflexive, it can be understood as “I hoped”?

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That’s an interesting explanation! Nothing I’ve seen or read so far suggested that “esperarse” implies expectation. Would you say expecting and hoping in English are differences of degree?

I’m not a native speaker of either English or Spanish, but in English I suppose you can expect something to happen and yet hope that it won’t come true.

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