Interspersing reviews from all collections with new cards, and specifying review count using a percentage

This seems like an obvious suggestion so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has already brought this up, or if I’m just missing an option. Let me know if that’s the case.

Right now, the most efficient way to tackle the pending reviews is to make use of the Review feature from the dashboard because it allows us to review clozes from all collections in a language. In the Review Settings, we also have the option to set the “Max reviews per round when playing new sentences”, but this only brings in the reviews from the particular collection.

I think it would be great if we can have the combined review when playing new cards in a particular collection.

Additionally, if this feature were to be added, I think we should also consider revamping the “Max reviews per round when playing new sentences” option to take a percentage instead of an absolute number so that there’s a more consistent experience when playing different number of sentences per round.

As a concrete example, let’s say that I’m doing a session in a particular collection with 50 sentences per round with the review percentage set to 60%, and I enable the option to include all cards for review. Then, it would introduce 20 new cards from that collection, and then 30 cards from the pool of cards to be reviewed from all collections, as ordered by the “Play review sentences ordered by” option. Once the set of sentences is selected, the round begins as usual.

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As I understand your post, you ask for two new features?

Do I understand you right? When you play, for example, the 4000 most common words collection, the new words should come only from the 4000 most common words, but the reviews should include not just words from the 4000 most common words collection but also from the 100/500/1000/etc. most common words collections (and whatever other collections you’ve been playing)?

I think that’s been requested by multiple other people too if I recall correctly, I just don’t remember where. Maybe you find the topic and, in it, the answers you seek. :slight_smile:

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Yup! I think my main suggestion is the first one, but the second one kinda follows naturally, and should be looked into if we’re considering the first.

Yes, that’s correct. With how the Fast Track works, there’s really no distinction between each of the sets, and it’s quite annoying that reviews and new cards have to be tackled in separate sessions when I feel it can be made more seamless. Maybe some other people may appreciate being able to choose the sets that they want included in their review too, but I’m just suggesting a merging of existing functionality for now.

I suppose I’m not surprised that others have brought this up before. I felt this a lot at the start when I allowed review cards to show up when leaning new cards in a set because I kept changing between 20, 50 and 100 card sets, but as I started playing more of the collections, I realised that the review feature is inadequate because the Fast Track is split up into different collections, and it didn’t feel “fair” to my memory to only review cards from the latest deck somehow, so I stopped using it as much.

As long as it’s optional, why not.

I, for one, would not like that change if I couldn’t opt out of it.

I’m one of these people. Let’s say I already internalized all the 100/500/1000/2000/3000/4000/5000 most common words and I’m struggling only with the words from the 10000 most common words collections and the pronouns collection. My approach would be to do one review session for the 10000 most common words collection and another one for the pronouns collection.

I would not want words from the 100 or 2000 most common words collection, which I already mastered, to be included in my reviews and waste my time.

If I’m behind and accumulated too many reviews to do in one day, I’d click this “Review” button for the collection in which I feel the weakest, in order to (1) spend all my time on where I’m weak, not on what I already mastered, and (2) to decrease that review pile without adding unseen/new sentences that would add to the review pile the next day, and thereby further increase the review pile.

After finishing reviewing the one collection, I’d click the same button for the other collection. Surely, the two sessions for the 10000 most common words and pronouns could be merged into a single session. But how would you prevent the 100/500/1000/2000/3000/4000/5000 most common words (that I explicitly don’t want to practice simply due to time constraints) from being merged too? That would make things unnecessarily complex. I personally think there are other areas in Clozemaster that could better use the limited developer attention. I, for one, don’t mind doing two separate sessions.

Let’s further say I can invest only 10 minutes a day into Clozemaster. Which is about two 50 words sessions in my case. With my approach, I can do two separate sessions, focusing on my two weakest areas. For example, numbers and prepositions, or pronouns and the 10000 most common words collections. That targeted approach would no longer be possible if your proposal would be implemented with no possibility to opt out. Especially since there already is a feature that lets you review all reviews in one session and almost lets you do what you want (and just does not include any new words). It’s this “Review” button:

As you can see, I accumulated more reviews than I’m willing to do in one day, so for the foreseeable future, I’m not going to ever click on the “Play” button, only on the “Review” button next to it.

Personally, I think that introducing all this additional complexity only to squeeze out the last few drops out of the lemon when you already have almost all the lemon juice is not worth it, at least for now, but you might see it differently. Or, instead of saying, “is not worth it”, let’s rather say, “has a much lower priority than other open feature requests”.

I should add that I’m playing only the most common words collections. Your request seems to refer to the fast fluency track, whose collections tend to be much smaller (being limited to 1000 sentences a collection).

Maybe your proposal could be implemented for the fast fluency track only. Since its collections tend to be much smaller than the most common words collections, it should happen much less for huge piles of reviews to accumulate, resulting in less strict time constraints than with the larger most common words collections.

In other words, it doesn’t take away that much if only 47 out of your 50 sentence session are from the selected collection (for example, 10000 most common words) when only 3 reviews from previous collections were due for review again (for example, 2 reviews from the 3000 most common words and 1 review from the 4000 most common words). Rather than the inverse (only getting to 3 reviews from the 10000 most common words even though you specifically selected the 10000 most common words, because your review pile got so big that 23 reviews from the 1000 most common words, 17 from the 2000 most common words and 7 from the 5000 most common words get mixed in) which becomes more likely, the more sentences the collections contain.

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Well I presume you don’t use the Review feature because this suggestion will probably only make sense to people who use it. I do agree that being able to select which collections the reviews come from makes a lot of sense, but I presume that it will be a separate suggestion as well.

I’ve read that the Fluency Fast Track didn’t use to be split up like this, but now that it is, I feel that this feature should have a much higher priority because the fact that it’s split up like this is a genuine pain in some respects.

I do. See my previous post which I edited.

I meant the Review All button.

Just to make it clear, my request exactly to integrate that “Review All” functionality when we click on “Play” on a normal collection. That’s really all there is to it.

The additional request might be to perhaps add a checkbox next to each collection displayed, so you can choose which collection to play when you click on Review (so that it doesn’t have to be just from a single collection, or all collections combined, but rather a combination).

Perhaps it might be clearer with a screenshot:

As you can see, because of how the Fast Track works, the cards are all scattered across collections. I don’t really want to tackle each collection individually, especially when there might only be less than 10 items in it sometimes, and when reviewing only those few items, there isn’t really enough “space” between the intervals if I cannot recall something for me to “forget” it before it comes up again.

Me too. If you click the “Review” button I showed, it will take you to the screenshot you showed. :slight_smile:

Yes, I understood that. I’d sometimes use that feature as well and find it useful. :slight_smile:

But I’d want to be able to flip a switch and opt out of that feature when I don’t want to use it (which would be most of the time).


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Yeah, I thought I had implied that this should be optional, but I guess not. My bad.

Perhaps the reason why I’ve been writing so much was because I wanted to express a bit of a disagreement when you said that

I do see it quite differently because while I like the idea of splitting up the Fluency Fast Track into different collections, the website has not been updated to accommodate this new style. It just feels quite important to me because in my opinion, it’s a massive QoL improvement on an app that I’m now using daily.