Honestly, I wish I could say I see your point. But I’m about to shred it up. I hate to be rude, but please consider the following.
Lower point limits are already available for beginners. Nobody is forcing beginners to burn themselves out by doing over 1000 points a day. They can just as easily choose 100 points a day. The system already fairly accommodates beginners. By increasing the point limit, Clozemaster wouldn’t be encouraging beginners to burn themselves out. They would still be offering beginners the options that are appropriate for them.
When learning a language, it’s very important to realistically gauge your progress and level. That way, you don’t bite off more than you can chew. If you’re only capable of 500 points per day, then you should choose that.
Personally, I’m capable of up to 4000. I’d like to be able to aim for that, or at least higher than 1000. That’s great that you find that clearing the backlog of reviews to be a good motivator. Personally, I would be motivated to learn Italian no matter what vehicle I am being offered. I am merely offering a suggestion that could be easily implemented, and beneficial for advanced learners. By offering more options for advanced learners, Clozemaster wouldn’t be taking away anything from beginner learners, and certainly wouldn’t be ‘encouraging’ them to bite off more than they could chew.
Progressing levels, and climbing up the leaderboard, although fair motivators, aren’t as much of a valuable meter for progress as daily points are. Levels are arbitrary. It’s nice that they turned learning languages into a Final Fantasy game, but the levels don’t actually mean anything outside of Clozemaster itself. Climbing up the leaderboard, for me, is none of my concern; some people may already be fluent, some have been using clozemaster for years, and I’ll never catch up to them. My best bet to track my progress is to be able to compare the amount of points I get every day. If i reach 2000 points every day, I can tell myself “I did roughly more work than i did yesterday.” “I didn’t do as much work as I did yesterday.” Which is a value meter of progress.
Implementing my idea would not somehow encourage beginners to not choose the options that they are already being encouraged to choose.
It’s interesting that you think that 40 minutes of practice a day is insane. I often practice Italian upwards of 2 hours a day, especially on weekends. Not only using clozemaster, but listening to videos, reading articles, reading books, reading memes, looking for new words, saving new words, practicing sentences out loud. I have been learning Italian for about 4 to 5 years. I pay for the yearly subscription. most beginners don’t. I’m all for encouraging beginners, but adding an extra option for advanced learners isn’t going to discourage them. If a beginner selects an advanced option then finds that they can’t keep up with it, and that’s the reason they quit, perhaps they’re not language learners at heart. They could have just as easily choose the option that was already given to them. The entire notion, I find, is pretty ridiculous. I appreciate your comment, I just disagree entirely.
I disagree that by offering advanced point limit option beginner learners would be discouraged.
I disagree that daily points are not a useful marker of progress.
I disagree that over 40 minutes of language learning a day is ‘pretty ambitious, if not insane’.
I disagree that anyone is asking a beginner to review as many sentences as I can.
Bottom line? Onward with increased point limits.