When I want to add sentences with a particular word to my collections I go to Cloze-Collections > Add sentences > Paste in words. I mention the word for which I want to find sentences. Then I select and add.
My question is, how do I search for sentences which have two words? For example, I want to find German sentences with “erst als”. If I enter “erst, als” in the list of words it gives me sentences with “erst” and sentences with “als” - OR function, not sentences with both “erst” and “als” - AND function.
Can someone enlighten me if and how I can accomplish this? Many thanks in advance!
Hey thanks a lot! This was helpful. Can I use regular expressions to search for sentences? Like, I want to search for a sentence with two words but not immediately after one another as a single string i.e. searching for a sentence with two separate strings.
As Alan explained, the only regex you can use is an asterisk as a wildcard. But it cannot be used to search for two words which are not directly connected to each other. – e.g., Suppose that your target phrase is “look forward to”. In this case, look*to doesn’t work because a wild card is disabled when the right or left side of the asterisk is separated by a space (i.e. not working for more than one words).
An asterisk is useful if you search for sentences containing “real”, “realistic”, “unreal”, or “unrealistic” by typing *real*. The suffix “-istic” and the prefix “un-” are directly conjugated with the root with no space.
But a wildcard sometimes hits too many sentences, and there is no way to narrow them down. For more information about this side effect, please refer to a related discussion: Question: Advanced search with wildcards. I posted it six months ago, but as far as I know, nothing has been changed with regard to the advanced search. I guess the advanced search is not a high priority for the Clozemaster tech team.