Evolve Listening Skill: don't display sentence automatically

Initially thought similarly. Fortunately the feature can be switched on/off to one’s liking.
In fact, after a little bit of testing, I do like it. But I don’t think I would use it all the time. When I want to go faster to revise vocabulary (the cloze itself), I might disable it; if I want to do something more thorough (something given more weight to pure listening comprehension rather than to actual vocabulary learning), I might use it.
As others have mentioned, the button on the left is clearly redundant. When it comes to the hotkeys, I personally enjoy the space bar/enter combination, although I would expect the space bar to replay the audio once the answer shows as well (currently it’s ctrl+space by default). Making it so that the space bar, after the answer has been shown, replays the audio instead of validating and showing up next answer, wouldn’t do too much harm as this can also be done by pressing enter. Anyhow, when it comes to shortcuts, it’s mostly just a question of getting used to.