Eventually I'll finish

Finally completed it, now to get through reviews.

I’m very impressed with the amount of depth in the fast track, I plan on continuing and adding technical articles/idioms. There’s very little I can’t read now, so I’m going to focus on native material and work on audio/regional dialect.


Now you can play the opposite, English from Spanish.

I think I will/am_going_to finish my level on 2030 :smile:


Still going… averaging ~40 words ‘mastered’ a day.

I’ve been adding more words and also doing listening, for German and Spanish. My goal is to finish this by the end of the year.

Right now I have it set to ‘Infinite’ reviews with Listening to Text Input.

Listening is my weakest skill I think. Anyways…still going lol


Congratulations! @datsunking1

My curiosity, why do you keep the reviews so high in number?
In this way you cannot respect the concept of “spaced repetition system”.

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Yes agree, GiuseppeBG. I work as much on my Reviews as new work. They’re daunting sometimes but my partial OCD reminds me that they need to be done. Then I try the new “listening” just to keep fresh!


I have clozemaster pro, and I set my review intervals thinking I can catch up LOL ended up getting run over. I think my interval is 1, 3, 10, and 30. My reviews right now are approximately 400 a day, and new words are around 40.


My reviews are the standard 1, 10, 30, 180 as I’m too scared to change them;-) If I get to 200 reviews, I spend time reducing them to say 10-20 as a kinda discipline I suppose. I’m a bit hooked on the new Listening option so need to keep a balance. It’s interesting how we all work. Cheers!


I set the intervals to 3 , 7 , 14 , 28 , 60 days , I have 5 Intervals.
I prefer to keep the number of reviews low.


Interesting. Perhaps I should try this spacing. I also like to keep reviews low. Mille grazie per l’informazione :wink:


It is interesting to hear how others space things. Memory must surely be one of most individual and tricky things about people, si?

My reviews are set to:
1 - 1 - 1 - and then however far into the future I want to throw them. A week or three if I’m still struggling; six months if I’m totally sick of it. The thing is, if I don’t stick to it and drill and drill and drill, I simply cannot remember the work and it’s all wasted - or maybe not wasted, but it heads for a deep recess somewhere and presents nought but a fuzzy outline, which you might say is worse - more frustrating - than no recall at all.


I might move my 30 to 20 days, I’m using the listening recall so it’s a bit more effective for me. It’s more of a “I know how to spell that/what that word is” than “wtf is that word” at this point. I really just need to catch up. Like I said, Spanish is my focus until I pass my test, then German and French in that order. :slight_smile:


Quick update: Still going, I’m now taking the long route and going through every sentence, not just the fast track LOL


As they say these days, you got this! Keep going datsunking1 :wink:


I never, ever review, per se. I try to learn by exposure to the language, acquiring vocabulary and–more importantly–idiomatic constructions and phrases and expressions, using comprehensible input (listening, video, reading). I use either multiple exposure (read/listen to the same thing 20-40 times) or narrow reading (same author/series, since they tend to repeat phrases and constructions). I wouldn’t want to feel that I must structure my time with the language so that I can review a specific sentence with one random cloze– I will see words again and again through exposure, whether they be cloze words or not.

Clozemaster is great for seeing words and expressions in context, but I get the feeling I don’t use it as others do. I really don’t like flashcard-style study, I use can’t imagine why people do that.


Wait, what?! You’re just going to add the long route, instead of tackling the reviews? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I’m intending to do the same :wink: well I don’t know about the reviews, I’ve never let them go beyond 800 or so I think… But since I had no idea how it all worked at first, I had started from the the middle (between 2,000-5,000ish most common words) and the top (>50,000 most common words - so I actually have 2% mastered there now), so I’m planning to continue with the long route too after finishing FFT in 2023 or whenever it will be…
I will probably skip the lower ones, though I guess for completeness’ sake, I might still add them in at occasionally after all.

One thing I was wondering if it could be nice to add to Clozemaster is some sort of “testing out” to determine which level of words could be good to start at, or to fast-track the fluency fast track. I was thinking it could present you x of the 500 most common words, and then if you got all/most of those correct, x of the next set, etc.


Ciao @giuseppeBG. I’m more confident now so I’ve set my spaces as per yours to test out and hopefully keep reviews healthy. With the three bullet points about Hard/Normal/Easy, do you use the bottom one 100% etc.? Tanti auguri!

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Ciao @Floria7 Yes, now I set the intervals to 3 , 7 , 14 , 21 , 30 days and for mastered sentences I use the three buttons Hard/Normal/Easy . If I think I memorized a sentence I select Easy button (60 days) otherwise Normal or Hard. Unfortunately my memory is not good and I prefer review the sentences many times and keep The space repetition system correct with a low number of reviews


Mille grazie. I am finding the sequence you gave me (3, 7, 14, 28, 60) really helpful. I’ll keep a note of your… 21, 30 sequence and try it later. Sometimes I remember everything, another time nothing, so well-spaced reviews are good. Tanti auguri!


In order to reduce the number of recurring reviews, I have started using long intervals at the end of the spectrum. My current setup is 1, 4, 12, 40, 210. And I use the Hard/Normal/Easy buttons.


Hi, I was just about to post. I’ve tried the Giuseppe method now and feel far less stressed and the reviews are much more manageable per il mio cervello stanco;-) Your set-up is also interesting so I’ll try that as well. Interesting how we all manage our studies. I have no goals, other than good learning, and don’t want to rush to the finish so am very content to take it easy.

A dopo… :slight_smile: