Ésa es su casa.

Why is there an accent on the ‘E’ of ‘Esa’? I understand removing it wouldn’t have any affect on stress or pronunciation but is there a specific reason we would put the accent there? For example, is it to emphasize that it’s that house specifically?

It is the old standard, which I was once taught and am now trying to unlearn. It is now recommended not to use accents where there is no risk for ambiguity.

My recommendation is that you add “Esa” as an alternative answer.


Thank you very much, I had never heard of this old standard before. How long ago did you learn it?

Oh, I started learning Spanish way back in the last millennium :slight_smile: I am not able to check now, but I think it is still the norm in my not-so-old grammar books. The new recommendation is only about a decade old, and I hadn’t heard of it until a year ago.

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