Él sabe como quebrar la ley sin ser atrapado.

GoogleTranslate uses the verb “quebrantar” for this sentence. The verb quebrar in the Oxford Dictionary is used in reference to breaking a record(deportes), breaking a tooth, or the tip of a pencil. Can a native speaker or someone with more knowledge comment on this.

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Sorry I can’t give an authoritative answer to your interesting question, but I can say with some authority that it should be “cómo” (with an accent); this is akin to an indirect question.

Quebrar is commonly used in that context.


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I followed up and looked up quebrantar in the Real Academia Española.and copied this: 5. tr. Traspasar, violar una ley, palabra u obligación. So Google Translate and Clozemaster’s translations are both correct in this sentence’s context. Thanks everyone for your input.

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