Conjugator link?

I tried to add a Conjugator link but It doesn’t work. Can you help me? Which is the best site for Verbs conjugation and how can I add the link?

For which language? Wiktionary probably covers conjugation for all languages, but sites that specialize in a specific language are often easier to use.

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German and Spanish.Thanks!

I don’t use conjugators for those languages, but I can tell you that Reverso has them:

If other people have favorites to recommend, hopefully they’ll respond.

Many thanks for the suggestion, but I can’t add the links to the app.
I tried to add:
I followed the instructions but it doesn’t work.

Oh, you want the kind of link that shows up on the dialog when you double-click a cloze. I didn’t realize that. In that case, you can try these:


The links work very well.Thank you very much!

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The ‘Word Reference’ app has every conjugation you’ll ever need, in German and Spanish. ‘Ella Verbs’ is an excellent Spanish verb conjugator. I use both.

@09543, as an example of how to figure out such word-specific links in general, here’s how you can develop one based on the WordReference Spanish conjugator.

First, find WordReference with a general search engine, like Google. Then, use the links on WordReference pages until you find the Spanish conjugator, which is here:

Choose a verb, such as “amar”. Type it into the “Search” field. This will take you to this page:

To form your link, you just need to replace the word you chose (here “amar”) with the word “QUERY”. Now you have the link you need:


This explanation is very useful.
Many thanks.

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