English Translation
Did you lock the door?
Cerrar means “to close”. The translation here says “lock”. Does Cerrar also mean “to lock” depending on context? In English closing and locking are distinct things.
Did you lock the door?
Cerrar means “to close”. The translation here says “lock”. Does Cerrar also mean “to lock” depending on context? In English closing and locking are distinct things.
‘Cerrar’ also means ‘to lock’. But you might use ‘cerrar con llave’ (close/lock with key) if you wanted to be doubly sure about it:
A: ¿Cerraste la puerta?
B: Sí, cerré.
A: ¿Estás seguro de que la cerraste con llave?
B: Sí sí, estoy seguro. No te preocupes