When playing in Listening mode on my phone, for the last couple of days I’ve been getting an error message that says:
“Too slow playing sentence audio! Sorry about that. Possible connection issue? Please let us know if you see this message again.”
However, nothing is wrong with the playback - the audio just runs for longer than usual because those sentences / paragraphs are longer. The French sentences I just got this message for were “On croit généralement qu’on a décerné le prix Nobel à Einstein en dix-neuf-cent-vingt-et-un pour ses travaux sur la relativité. Il lui fut en réalité décerné pour son exposé fécond sur l’effet photoélectrique.”
I know some people don’t like the longer amounts of text, but I love them. It’s one thing to understand the audio for a short sentence, and another thing entirely to be able to cope with several sentences at once that may contain words you don’t know, and learn how to glide over parts you don’t understand without getting lost entirely. Please do keep a few of them, at least in the harder word categories.
“Par consequént, la probabilité est que l’ensemble de la théorie ou doctrine de ce qui est appelé rédemption a été à l’origine fabriqué de toutes pièces afin de faire avancer et de bâtir par-dessus toutes ces rédemptions seondaires et pécuniaires.”
Now there is something wrong - I’m getting the error message after every sentence irrespective of length. The audio plays correctly, then there’s a long pause of silence, then the error message appears and finally the sentence appears on the screen.
Thanks for letting us know! To confirm this while playing the listening skill option for French - is that right? Also are you using Android version 2.6.5? Anything different than usual about your internet connection?
Yes, Listening for French and Android 2.6.5. I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but am still having the same problem. The audio plays, then there’s a long pause of silence while the audio button pulses, then the error message comes up. I’ve tried it in several different places using different internet connections, all of which seem to be working normally for everything else.