Asegúrate de que la fortuna que buscas es la fortuna que necesitas.

Help please. It seems like if you said you are making sure or you are sure then buscas would be correct. However you are advising/recommending so why not busques?

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For me both work here, but with a small meaning difference.

Asegúrate de que la fortuna que buscas es la fortuna que necesitas. = Talking about now. Present.

Asegúrate de que la fortuna que busques es la fortuna que necesitas. = Future.

btw you can also use subjunctive: que buscas sea / que busques sea.


I would focus on the verb “ser” in this sentence, rather than “buscar” since the advice/recommendation is about making sure that “A is B”. The objects “la fortuna que buscas” and “la fortuna que necesitas” aren’t affected by the recommendation.


thank you, that is kind of what I was thinking.

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thank you-very interesting.

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I can find examples of both the indicative and the subjunctive after “asegúrate de que” in the corpus, even by the same author, so it seems the subjunctive is optional.