Annoying dialog on failure to fetch audio for a sentence

Starting with the May 19 version, I am getting frequent errors about not being able to fetch the audio for the last played sentence. The errors may be genuine, load-related or whatever, but it is annoying to see and dismiss the same error dialog again and again.

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I’ve noticed the ‘Failure to load Audio’ error messages would regularly appear on the Android app once 40 sentences had been completed when running through 50 or Infinite sentences.

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Thanks for letting us know! That’s helpful. Working on a fix.

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The problem seems to go away after a restart of the app.

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A fix should be up in Android version 2.6.1 - @morbrorper are you able to see what version of the app you have installed?

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I have version 2.6.0. That is still the current version in the Google Play Store, right?

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