Abra el sobre con cuidado para no rasgarlo.

English Translation

Open the envelope carefully so it doesn’t tear.

Would using rajar instead of rasgar give it a different nuance?

Thinking about it, I’m tempted to say it would. The RAE gives the first definition of rajar as dividir en rajas, and when you look at the entry raja, the first and last definitions deal with things more solid than paper (wood and fruits), and imply that the divisions are relatively clean. Moreover, the second definition offers hendir (to cleave) as a synonym, supporting the inference. This suggests rajar’s English definition is more like “to divide into slices (with a sharp instrument)”. But rasgar’s first definition specifies using your hands on things with “little consistency”. Ripping something with your hands doesn’t really make clean slices.

The problem being, if you’re opening an envelope with your hands, what’s going on that you’re trying not to rip it? That really does matter!

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