Wszystko, co pan powie, może być użyte przeciwko panu.

Is ‘użyte’ correct in this sentence? It shouldn’t be ‘użyto’? I thought that ‘forma bezosobowa czasu przeszłego’ (impersonal form of the past tense) always had a static -o ending? Thanks

“Użyte” is correct here. The verb takes the singular neuter (passive) form to agree with the noun “wszystko”.

The impersonal form “użyto” essentially only occurs in sentences in the past tense, and it never goes together with “być” (or its forms). An example would be a sentence like “Do ugaszenia pożaru użyto gaśnicy” (“A fire extinguisher was used to put out the fire.”)


Thanks. I’ve only just recently learned about ‘forma bezosobowa czasu przeszłego’ (impersonal form of the past tense), due to a different sentence that I encountered on CM, so I’m still learning the rules around it.

Is ‘użyte’ quite a rare/unusual word? I tried searching it on a few on-line dictionaries (including Oscar Swan’s) and it didn’t produce a return.


“Użyty” isn’t particularly rare, though the imperfective variant “używany” might be more common.

You can check for some usage examples with translations: UŻYTY - Translation in English -

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