Wölfe streifen durch den Wald.

English Translation

Wolves wander in the woods.

dict.cc contains the verb “durchstreifen” (to roam/wander) in which case is not the word order in this sentence technically not correct depending on whether "durch"is a seperable or inseperable prefix?

This is basically the same question as Er verbrachte einige Monate damit, durch Europa zu streifen..

Again, in this sentence the verb is “streifen”, and “durch” is a regular preposition. It is not the verb “durchstreifen” in this case.

But yes, “Wölfe durchstreifen den Wald” also works.

But I feel like the difference between “durchstreifen” and “durch etwas streifen” is that the former has some purpose or intent to it, while the latter doesn’t.
So, “durchstreifen” is systematic, for example when you’re looking for something or you’re on patrol, whereas “durch … streifen” expresses aimless wandering.

There is also “die Streife” which means “the patrol”, i.e. military or police, and derived words like “Streifenwagen” - police/patrol car.

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