Wo sitzt ihr jetzt gerade?

Spanish Translation

¿Dónde vives ahora?

Can setzen be used as wohnen or the translation isn’t correct?

There’s a mistake.

If you’re learning from Spanish as your source language, you can ignore that sentence.

When the English original was translated to Turkish, and that Turkish translation was translated back to English, the word changed from the correct word “to sit” to “to live” which was then translated to Spanish. Because of that, the language pair “Spanish-German” doesn’t match.



Okay, thank you! I will report this sentence to clozemaster and another one very similar.

It is worth noting that “sitzen” can mean “to be located” when talking about a company.
Also, “ihr” is often used to refer to “eure Firma” - “your company”.

So, the sentence in question can, in the right context, mean “Where’s your company located right now?”, maybe after it moved a couple of times before, so the asker is not sure if he/she is up to date.

A related word is “Firmensitz”, or just “Sitz”, i.e. the company’s location:
Die Firma hat ihren Sitz in Hamburg. - The company is located/based in Hamburg.

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Can this meaning also refer to a person? For instance: Sitzt du jetzt im Zug?

Yes. When I visit my family and it’s time, afterwards, to return back home, I text my mom “I’m in the train now” (“Ich sitze jetzt im Zug”) to let her know where I am, that I caught my train, and that there were no problems.