Wir erhalten Geld von der Regierung.

English Translation

We receive money from the government.

What are the contextual nuances between “erhalten” and “bekommen”? My feeling is that “erhalten” implies the contractual aspect of the receiving. Richtig oder nein?

I’m not aware of such a distinction.

In the context of “to receive”, there is no difference between “erhalten” and “bekommen”, as far as I know. Use whichever you like better. It’s purely personal preference.

“erhalten” could also take on the meaning of “to preserve” or “to maintain”, and in that context, it would, of course, not be synonymous with “bekommen”.

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“erhalten” is more formal, and “bekommen” is more colloquial. I don’t see much else of a difference.

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That is exactly the sort of difference I was looking for. Thank you.