Was ist mit dem anderen?

Isn’t anderen the plural dative form? Why isn’t it anderem based on the definite article?

“dem anderen” is dative singular masculine.

You didn’t quote the translation, but it’s probably something like:
What about the other one?

Here is a declination table (including “Student/in” as an example noun, if “andere” is not used by itself):

            Singular                  Plural
Nominativ   der andere  (Student)     die anderen (Studenten)
Genitiv     des anderen (Studenten)   der anderen (Studenten)
Dativ       dem anderen (Studenten)   den anderen (Studenten)
Akkusativ   den anderen (Studenten)   die anderen (Studenten)

            Singular                  Plural
Nominativ   die andere  (Studentin)   die anderen (Studentinnen)
Genitiv     der anderen (Studentin)   der anderen (Studentinnen)
Dativ       der anderen (Studentin)   den anderen (Studentinnen)
Akkusativ   die andere (Studentin)    die anderen (Studentinnen)

Thank you for your explanation! :slight_smile:

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For what I can see in this table, it has the declination of an adjective.

That’s because it is an adjective. Or wiktionary lists it as one, anyways:
anderer - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Well, usually it is a pronoun, or else a personal pronoun object in other languages. Nice to know!