Vergiss nicht, ihn morgen früh zu empfangen.

English Translation

Don’t forget to welcome him tomorrow morning.

This German-English pair seems a little off to me. I can picture saying something like “Don’t forget that you’re supposed to be there early to welcome him.” But it seems strange to effectively say “Oh, tomorrow morning when someone knocks on your door, don’t forget to let him in.” Usually, if someone doesn’t let someone in, it’s not due to forgetfulness.

You could alternatively say:

“Vergiss nicht, ihn morgen früh willkommen zu heißen.”

Imagine you get a new co-worker tomorrow. You also have a deadline and are under pressure to deliver. Still, you can show the decency to at least say Hi and spend 5 minutes with the new colleague before going back to your work. Your boss could say something like the example sentence to you to remind you.