Tu sei amato e ti si manca in tutto il mondo, uomo.

English Original Sentence

You are loved and missed throughout the world, man.

I’m curious about ti si manca, as I understand that normally the person being missed is the subject (mi manchi: I miss you).


I understand “si manca” as a kind of impersonal form. “one misses …/ everybody misses” and that is usually in English better translated with the passive.

Translated from English to Italian the elegant sound of the the double passive in the sentence is unfortunately lost. Any ideas there?

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Actually, this sentence does not feel natural at all. And “ti si manca” means “a te si manca” so, “[generic subject] is missed by you”.

I would have translated the English sentence as:

“Tu sei amato e mancato a tutto il mondo, uomo”.


@mike-lima Thank you so much. I was beginning to wonder how I would ever remember the “ti si manca” part.

A dopo;-)


Thank you so much (once again) .That’s much better; it transfers the parallel
and the ellision to Italian.

But I have another question concerning the sentence : Does the subsequent “uomo” feel natural in Italian?

To me the “man” in the English sentence sounds like a rapper or maybe an Eddy Murphy movie from the nineties.
In German you would never say that in a friendly sentence but only in an unfriendly one.


Not at all. It feels like an opening line in a post-apocalyptic movie.

I am thinking “mankind”, not “pal”.