English Translation
Don’t you have another one that’s a little larger?
translated to English as “Do you have any more?” or “Do you not have any more?”
Don’t you have another one that’s a little larger?
translated to English as “Do you have any more?” or “Do you not have any more?”
“Don’t you have any more?” is a workable translation, but the “don’t” is definitely required to match the negative form нету.
The version with “do” asks a different kind of question. (Negative questions, like “Don’t you have…?”, imply an expectation that the answer is “yes”, whereas affirmative questions, like “Do you have…”’, have no such implication either way. The difference can be huge—think how fast you’d get thrown out of a courtroom if you kept asking a witness “Didn’t you…?” instead of “Did you…”)
The existing English translation is also fine, though, because (по)больше can mean “bigger” or “a bigger one/thing” as well as “more”.