English Translation
Sami has black boots.
Adding Harakat (Diacritics):
عِندَ سَامِي جَزْمَاتٌ سُودَاءُ -
Full Translation:
Sami has black shoes. -
Word-by-Word Translation:
عِندَ: at, with
سَامِي: Sami (a proper noun)
جَزْمَاتٌ: shoes
سُودَاءُ: black (feminine form of the adjective) -
Grammatical Explanation:
عِندَ is a preposition (حرف جر) that indicates possession or location. It requires the noun following it to be in the genitive case (مجرور).
سَامِي is the noun that follows عِندَ, and it is in the genitive case (مجرور) because of the preposition.
جَزْمَاتٌ is the subject of the sentence (مبتدأ) and is in the nominative case (مرفوع). It refers to the shoes and is plural.
سُودَاءُ is an adjective (صفة) describing the shoes and is also in the nominative case (مرفوع) to agree with the subject in gender and number. -
I3rab (إعراب):
عِندَ: حرف جر مبني على السكون
سَامِي: اسم مجرور بـ “عِندَ” وعلامة جره الكسرة الظاهرة
جَزْمَاتٌ: مبتدأ مرفوع وعلامة رفعه الضمة الظاهرة
سُودَاءُ: صفة مرفوعة وعلامة رفعها الضمة الظاهرة