
English Translation

Hi buddy, where is your mother?

Shouldn’t the translation say, “Where is my mother?”

No. 僕、in this sentence means “Hey little boy,” to address a stranger. The speaker is an adult. And お母さん in this sentence refers to the boy’s mother, not the speaker’s mother. The boy is probably lost or got separated from his custodian in a shopping mall, and then an adult customer is worried about the situation and is talking to the boy.

“Where is my mother?” should be 僕のお母さんはどこ? You cannot replace particle の with 読点(、).

Alternatively, you can say お母さんはどこ? but this shortened sentence means either “where is my mother?” or “where is your mother?” It’s vague and totally depends on context.

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Thank you. That makes it much easier to understand.

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